chapter-15 Flashback

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When I was 7 years old I fell in love. Of course I didnt know then that I was in love with her. I remember when we were little riding our bikes around town. Mom always made me follow lola and lily around town even though I hated it with passion but deep down I liked but I would never admit. As time went on I started seeing changes in lola that I didn't like. She grew and when I mean grew she GREW and I didn't like it! When I was 14 I remember all my friends would want to come to my house after school at the  time I didn't know  why,but eventually I got smart and knew way they wanted to gawk at her which is disgusting because she is my little sister. They were worse when lily came over and that's when I knew I had to end  it. It was my 15th birthday and everyone was over and I just blown out my candles and all my friends went to my room to hang out. We were having a great time laughing and talking but that's when things got serious. " you knew who I would like to fu*k" brad said. Everyone in silence waited. " Lily lo-" before he could even finish that sentence I punched him dead in the nose. I never spoke to him after that but at the moment thats when I knew I was in love with Lily lopez!

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