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(warnings: angst, lots a sadness, heartbreak, peter kind of being a dick)

THE NEXT week was a rough for theo. her father had dragged her back to the avenger's headquarters and grounded her for what seemed like the rest of her life. she didn't tell her father what happened between her and peter. it hurt too much to talk about it anyways.

since her dad took her phone, theo had bought a new one, a burner phone. she called peter everyday. she needed to talk to him.

the recognizable beep of the voicemail rung through her ear. "p-peter. fuck, i'm sorry. okay? i'm really really.. shit.. i'm so sorry. please call me." she mumbled, hiccuping as she hung up.

her eyes were puffy from crying so much. her chest hurt constantly. her hair was a rats nest. overall, theo was just a mess.

theo sat in her big bedroom that was painted a cream white color. her bed, now a mess from sleeping all day and staying up late at night, had white sheets on them and a white comforter.

she sat on her bed, scrolling through the #midtowntechhighschool hashtag on twitter, missing all of her classmates.

one tweet about how the homecoming dance was soon caught her eye.

theo gasped softly. "the dance. the dance!" she said and got up, an idea hatching in her head. if peter wasn't going to answer her calls, she would just go to him.

right now, her father was somewhere out of the country on a business trip with pepper, leaving theo alone to her own devices.

she quickly changed out of her sweatpants and changed into a grey sweatshirt and jeans. she pulled her converse on and quickly ran downstairs.

she ran up to the garage door, hoping to be able to get one of her cars. "jarvis, open the garage door." she said, looking up at the speakers.

there was a moment of silence before the electronic voice rang out. "i'm afraid i cannot do that, miss stark." he told her.

theo groaned and ordered her driver. her father gave her a personal driver when she was five. his name was terrance and he was a tall intimidating man. theo trusted him with her life.

"stupid intelligence system." she said and ran out the door. she got in the front seat, smiling at terrance. "hey terrance, think you could drive me to queens?" she asked.

terrance smiled. "i'll drive you anywhere your heart desires, miss, that's what i'm here for." he said and fist bumped her.

one of the good thing about terrance was that he could keep his mouth shut about where he took theo. he didn't snitch. theo liked that.

after the long drive, theo let him know she'd be a few minutes. she smiled before running up the apartment steps, getting to his door.

she took a deep breath before knocking softly. she felt her heart rate pick up, anxiety kicking in.

the door opened and behind it was peter. he looked at theo, his heart also picking up speed. peter had been a mess as well. he had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep and he cried nonstop. this was unlike any hurt he had inflicted upon him.

theo smiled a bit. "hey, p-peter." she mumbled, softly. she stepped forward, wanting to him.

but peter took a few steps back, shaking his head. "what do you want?" he asked coldly as he looked at his feet.

she shook her head. "pete, i-i'm so sorry. the whole thing was just a misunderstanding. let me explain-" she explained but was cut off by peter.

peter shrugged. "i asked liz to the dance, we're going out." he told her, not daring to look at her reaction to what he just said.

theo swore she could hear her heart break into a million pieces. it was like she was getting the shit kicked out of her over and over again. peter moved on that quickly? well, i mean, they weren't even dating but shit, that hurt her.

"oh, yeah, sorry. of course. liz, um... liz is a pretty girl." she told him, tears cascading down her cheeks as she sniffled. "uh, i'm happy for you. i-i hope she treats you well." she said, her voice cracking as it betrayed her sadness.

peter tried to keep a blank face, but seeing her sad broke his heart. he didn't know why. he should be mad, right? she betrayed him. he should hate her. he should be yelling at her to leave. but he couldn't.

she glanced at him one more time. "bye, peter. sorry again." she said before turning on her heel and quickly walking out of the apartment building.

she walked towards the car and terrance rolled down the window. "uh, hey ter? im gonna, um, walk around a bit. clear my head. i'll text you when i'm ready to go home." she told him.

terrance gave her a sympathetic smile and nodded as she walked away.

theo sighed and walked down the bustling street, looking around at the new york city lights. she did this to herself, it's her fault. she shouldn't blame anyone but herself.

more tears dropped from her eyes as she thought about how peter looked at her. god, he hated her. she understood.

she finally got to a dark part of town. it was empty, sad. heh, like her, she guesses.

theo heard footsteps behind her and she quickly swiveled around. "hello miss stark." she heard the dark figure say. before she could say anything else, she was hit over the head with a blunt object.

everything went black.


word count 950 words

author's note uh oh!!! what's gonna happen next :o
sorry this was so short! hope y'all enjoyed!


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