Chapter#19🔥One Last Fight⚡

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(THird Persons POV)
After all the things happened ,today was finally the day of marriage ,Ann and Eddie ,for them and for their happiness ,even the sky wasn't the limit

Y/n had to wake up and get ready to leave for her HQ ,the wedding will be in the evening and if y/n wants to go to the wedding ,she has to face her biggest obsticle ,Arthur

She has to explain everything that has happened that day with her now one with the symbiot brother incident

Back to Y/n ,she was still asleep as venom was awake ,he was connected to y/n ,his snake head watching TV the entire night. He kept the volume down since he didn't wanted to wake his mate ,the ring still with him

"Y/n, wake upppp!"

Venom called out as he used his tenticles that covered y/n's back and pushed her upwards ,y/n's body lumping down as she snored ,eyes closed

(In y/n's Dream)

Dark....cold....empty.....Death felt like it was surrounding the entire place
Broken down life can be seen anywhere...silence ,only gushes of wind can be heard ,dust ,smoke emitting car can be seen from different part of the once joyous ,busy new york city


A few people could be seen running away aimlessly ,trying to run away from the center of the new York city ,red painted most part of the streets ,roads and alleys .it was blood

Some can be recognized as policeman...some normal citizens ,children, some crushed under the boulders and huge building concerets ,splashes of blood puddles everywhere!

"Is that all this planet has to offer, i expected more fight from you lifeforms"

A voice said ,cutting through the air of silence ,the voice could be described as gruffy ,harsh ,raspy and hoarse ,a kind of voice that would make you shiver and just want to hide in the core of the earth or..from existence

A tall black figure ,claws that were sharper then venoms ,red lines were on his chest ,unlike spidermans iconic spider ,it was something different ,his eyes ,black like a dark abyss .once you look in those eyes ,all hope ,dreams and wishes will die ,his outfit and his dress up was made from symbiotic substance, white bleached hair that reached up his shoulder

in this dark ,cold nightmarish environment. The only source of light was coming from none other then...y/n herself

"Who..cough..are you...What do you...WANT..!????!!!!''

Y/n yelled with frustration and anger ,tiredness following behind her tone .cuts and bruises covering her every part of her body, scratches of claws ,one arm badly injured that was held by y/n's other still working arm ,blood dripping from her fingertips and on to the pool of blood beneath her feet, one eye closed

Half her face covered in blood ,y/n was having a hard time breathing ,a low glow of current slowly emitting from her blood covered hand

A few feet away from her was a red and black spiderman outfit wearing boy ,unconscious and motionless ,a few part of his suit was torn apart ,revealing his skin and blood

The scene was even worse then a nightmare ,the dark figure closed in on y/n. The light of fire emitting from y/n was dissovled in darkness ,symbiotic tenticles shot at y/n ,stopping her movements

The dark nightmarish being held up y/n's chin ,making her look at him ,his mouth dissorganized in an abnormal way ,sharp teeth covered his wide mouth ,a swirl reddish line swirling around in his dark black abyss eyeballs as he glared at y/n's (eye/color) glowing orbs

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