🖤Last Chapter❣Our Happy Ending?❣

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After that night ,y/n went missing ,no one knew where she went .Arthur did what he said he would ,he removed y/n from the place of second in command ,her team didn't agreed with it...but a few days later they were also replaced .the police stopped their search for y/n and venom ,since they knew that they didn't stand a chance against them. But they might start their hunt again

(Four Days Later)


"How much more do we have to go....im hungry!"

"Jeez you need to calm down ,just a little more"

Using the key that was given to y/n by her little brother ,she arrived at her old house ,the place was a wreck ,no house anymore. Y/n got off her bike as venom came out of her shoulder in his snake form

"Well...this is it''

"It looks amazing"

Venom replied ,sarcasm in his tone ,y/n saw the key was using a laser to guide them ,it stopped on a certain place on the ground ,y/n inspected it ,she felt a metal door under all the dust and sand

She pulled it open ,it was an underground stairway ,y/n and venom looked at each other .but still made their way downstairs

They entered a brighten up room ,venom hissed cause of the lights being to bright for him ,there was a pedestal like thing in the middle of the room ,the key was being attracted by the pedestal ,y/n inserted the key as a small box like thing came up to their view

"Is this...the infinity stone?''

"no..thats the celestial stone"

Without hesitation ,y/n grabbed the glowing stone ,looking with focus ,you could see as if the galaxy was inside the stone ,venom groaned ,the stone was giving out immense energy

"Heh..well we are done here ''

With that y/n left the underground room ,coming outside in the wild .they were near a forest place After all ,y/n took a deep breath

"No more fighting jobs for us"

"Nah..im done doing the fights for others...i just want to live peacefully for once. With you love"

"Yessssss...we won't bother y/n. we wont betray her like that other human scum of a girl"

Y/n planted a kiss on top of venoms head ,in return she got a lick from him ,she new the celestial Stone will cause a little problem to her ,but she will deal with it when that problem comes

For now she wants to live on her own and with her alien husband

(A Few (many years) Later)

the night breeze blew ,the quite streets ,so peacefull ,everyone asleep ,it was around 10 pm .the only one who was closing up her cafe was y/n ,since she knew no one can get in her way or attack her while the streets were empty

"Yawns...today was so busy''

Y/n sighed ,feet hitting against the ground echoing ,a hand trailed down her arm and wrapped itself around her fingers in a comfort way

With a smile ,y/n walked a bit faster ,knowing the kids will be really mad at her and venom for being late ,so she fasten up her walk

"Did we got the Chocolate breads for the kids?"

"Yes. All fresh and delicious'"

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