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(warnings: assault, kidnapping)

"HEY, STARK, wake up!" theo heard a voice call out to her. she groaned, her head aching. she opened her eyes and soon realized she was in a unfamiliar place.

it was some sort of warehouse. the room is filled with computers and gadgets. monitors showing avengers tower and the blueprint of tony's plane are seen to her right.

she tried to move her arms but to no avail, they were tied behind her back as she sat in a metal chair. she looked down at her sweatshirt, which was covered in blood. was it her blood?

"listen here stark. i don't want to have to kill a kid, alright?" the voice said from behind her, not showing their face.

she tried not to cry, not to show weakness. "what do you want from me, dude?!" she shouted, her voice hoarse. "do you want money? is that it? fuck, we have money! just let me the hell go!" theo screamed, struggling against the restraints.

she felt a hand on her shoulder and she flinched. "shhh, this will all end soon. just listen to everything i say." the voice said as it rounded the chair and crouched in front of theo. it was none other than toomes himself.

theo's eyes widened a bit but she kept her composure. "you're the one who's been stealing alien material from my dad's company." she mumbled.

toomes let out a laugh, which made theo sick to her stomach. "your dad is a rich bastard who's gonna get what's coming to him." he then said.

theo's anger started to rise and she growled, spitting in toomes' face. "you know nothing, you fucking idiot! let me go!" she screamed at him.

toomes wiped the spit from his face, chuckling before raising his hand up and bringing it down quickly onto theo's face.

theo groaned, her cheek stinging as she felt a blood dripping from where he slapped her.

toomes then grabbed her by the collar. "listen here little shit, you're going to be my collateral, mkay? if this all goes to shit and somehow i get caught, ill make sure your daddy lets me go. because if he doesn't..." he trailed, bringing the barrel of a gun to her throat.

theo whimpered softly, feeling the cold object on her neck.

"... then his little girls gonna get hurt. got it?" he said, looking at theo.

theo nodded quickly. "okay, man, i got it." she said quietly.

toomes smiled evilly and then grabbed a roll of duct tape, ripping off a piece and putting it over theo's mouth. he then grabbed the back of her chair and dragged her to a darkened spot where no one were to see her if they came in.

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