welp i tried....might as well just

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The scientist tried to get out of the tight grasp one more time. He struggled and struggled but he was not able to excape the strong, flustered, tall demon that held him down.

After he gave up Blackhat leans down to his ear. "If you try to excape itll only make me angrier and you wont like that, i promise..."

Flug couldnt force himself to move. Not even if he had wanted to but he didn't want to he wanted this..

Isnt that sad he wanted this to happen.... but he knew he would regret this when the heat was over.

Blackhat slid his claw up the shivering scientist's shirt. Flug whimpered at the friction, he needed more.

Flug started to tug at the demons attire. Blackhat was shocked for a second his good eye widened but the demon was quickly becoming more interested.

The demon stopped grinding the scientist. Flug whimpered at that. Blackhats smirk grew wider with excitement. He put on a little show for the scientist below him. He took off his overcoat. Then his tie. Then his shirt....

He did it in a slow teaseing manner just for his little scientist to enjoy, his puppet.

Flug was dumbfounded at the demons strong chest and muscles. He slid his hands on his chest and admired his master.

He loved this.

He loved his boss's touch, his body, his eye, his strength, he loved him.

Sadly he'd doubt his boss loved him back.. he probably just needed him for his heat.

He didnt care at this point anymore he just needed his boss at this moment.

Black hat took off Flugs labcoat and then he went for his shirt.

He pulled of his puppets shirt and he was surprised, he was gorgeous.. Blackhat grew more eager and liked his teeth.

Flug was not fit but not chubby, he didnt have abs but he didnt have a big stomach. (Unlike the writer) he was pale but Blackhat expected that part.

Black hat took off his belt and threw it to the side. He got off the scientist and stood up. The scientist complained about this with little noises. He quickly stopped once he realized what his boss was doing.

His boss got up and grabbed flugs sholder and then the world around them faded and the blinked back but, they were in Blackhats room.

Flug sat on the edge of the bed and waited for anything, anything at all.

Black hat started to take off his pants slowly and once they were off he sat back on his puppets lap.

He grinded against Flug. Flug moaned at this and he grabbed Blackhats sides but Blackhat yanked his hands away and pinned his hands to the mattress.

"Not yet~" he took his hands off of flugs. He continued to grind his until he turned around and grinded his ass on Flugs member. He was in bliss but he wanted so so much more..

He couldn't take it anymore he got off once again and turned around. "Strip. Now." Flug shakily got up and stripped off the rest his clothing. He then sat back down on the bed. Apparently while he was taking off his clothes Blackhat went to another room. Blackhat came back with a medium sized box in his hands.

Flug looked at him with questioning eyes. Blackhat placed it near the scientist but when the scientist tried to open it he swatted his hand away.

"DONT OPEN IT!... not yet~" flug paniced at Blackhats sudden outburst but obeyed.

Blackhat finally took off his own boxers and his huge member was released. Flug stared in awe....4 tenticals around one bigger one but flug doubts that was just another tentical.

Blackhat liked the attention and he pushed flug flat on his back slowly and took his hands and put them together and with his other hands he teached for the box.

He tied Flugs wrists to the headboard of the bed frame. Flug was surprised and kinda happy at the same time.

Blackhat reached in the box once again and grabbed something Flug couldnt see and then blackhat said "my puppet will you close your eyes please~~"

Flug closed his eyes.

He flet blackhats touch but sense his eyes were closed all this other senses were more on "alert" and aware of everything. He felt his lustful masters hands around his face and then a little tug and he tried to open his eyes again but he still couldn't see.... he magicly blindfolded him..... sexy bastard

Flug knew this wasnt a blind fold but something similar that blackhat made with his magic it was...soft

Flug was so excited and he squirmed in his masters grasp so anxious.... there was so much teasing~

He couldn't take it anymore.

"Master please.." Blackhat smirked "please what my puppet?"

Flug whimpered as he felt his employers hand rub under his bag on his cheek. He leaned into the touch of his new lover.

"Please relieve yourself and pleasure me.."

Blackhat smirked and ripped the bag and googles off his tiny puppets face....

"Sir..... i-i.."

Blackhat stared at his face...

"I...i-im so-"


Flugs eyes widened and blackhat got lost in those shiny green eyes with brown and gray hints here and there. His freckles, beautiful blonde hair was like a pastel blone instead of a usual basic blonde, his skin, ohh, how Blackhat adored that pale skin.

Then Blackhats eyes fell on his scar.... "what happened.... with the scar.."

Flug looked anywhere but Blackhat... blackhats clawed hand forced his to to look at him.. even if he "needed help" in his heat flug was obviously panicking...

"Uuhhmm...  there not im-important.."

Blackhat scoffed and pulled flug in for a sloppy rough kiss. But they didnt stop they were having a make out session on the bed, naked.

"Dont say that again... its the most important thing right now doctor....." his voice was dominating and rough...

Flug was still catching his breath... "bu-but your h-heat.."

"Didnt i say this was the most important thing DOCTOR..."

"Now tell me what happened my puppet...."

Flug gulped.... "it was... you sir...."

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