Just one dance Cedric x Hermione

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Hermione was weeping on the stairs out side the great hall. After the fight that she had, had with Ron she couldn't go back tho the Gryffindor common room not when he would be there.

Then all of a sudden a person was sitting beside her with there arm wrapped around her. She lifted her head slightly to see who was sitting beside as she weeped her heart out. She thought it would have been her date to the Yule ball... Viktor Krum. But much to her surprise it wasn't. The boy had chestnut coloured hair, brown eyes. A sweet face and a kind smile on his face. It was none other then the first Hogwarts champion......... Cedric Diggory.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Cho Chang. I mean after all she is your date." Hermione said in a confused tone.

"She want to hang out with some friends. So I came out here to get a little fresh air, and that's when I found you crying." He said with a kind but worried look on his face. His voice calmed her and she couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked in his black dress robes. Before he could say anything more she had already buried her face in his chest and had begun to sob again. He just wrapped his arms around her, giving her a warm hug. He had noticed that she had relaxed when he had done this. The made him smile.

Before he even had a second thought she had gotten up, and pulled him up when she asked "would you care to dance with me, Diggory?" In a kind but hopeful voice. They stood there for a moment

"It would be my honour, Ms Hermione Granger." He said. I began giggling because of his response. He held his hand out for me to take. I did just that without a second thought in the world. As we took the dance floor I could hear people whispering about me.

"Are you positive you want to do this? I mean people are-" Hermione started but was cut off by Cedric.

"I'm positive. Don't worry about what people say." Cedric replied. A slow song came on and we started swaying. Then out of nowhere he lifted me up and spun me.

"Whoa! Cedric!" Hermione shrieked. After the dance Hermione went to get a drink when she was confronted by a group of Ravenclaw girls.

"Hello can I do anything for you?" Hermione questioned not really knowing why a group of Ravenclaw girls would be talking to her.

"Yes you can." One of them started

"We want you to stay away from Cedric!" Another said

"W-why?" Hermione stuttered unsure of what they meant

"Because Cedric already has a fucking date. You dirty little hoe!" The original said. Hermione was on the brink of tears, when one of them lifted their arm with her hand in a fist. Hermione closed her eyes ready for impact but it never came so she slowly opened her eyes to see what had stopped the punch. She saw a hand had caught the fist.

When Hermione looked to her right she saw Cedric how was absolutely fuming. "You ok Mimi?" He asked turning to her to see if she was hurt.

"Y-yes, but Cedric. Wait Mimi?" Hermione's expression went from upset to confused.

"Yeah. It's your. New nickname. Do you like it?" He said with a wink. Hermione just nodded. "Good. Now as for you five I don't want to see you near Mi-Hermione again. Got it?" They all just nodded and ran off.

"Thank you Ced" Hermione said looking down. Cedric put a hand under her chin making her look up at him. He slowly pull her face towards himself. He only stopped for a split second as if asking of consent to kiss her. Hermione didn't say anything instead she just closed the small gap between there lips.

Cedric could have sworn that he felt a fire work go off inside him. Slowly he pulled away reluctantly, because they both needed air. "You know, I just released after just one dance you had me captivated." He whispered.

A/N just to let you know this is my first ever one-shot. Please let me know what you think. Don't afraid to be honest. Also let me know what I can improve on.
Also story word count is; 701 words
Love ya bye 💖


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