How you meet!

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Izuku Midoryia:

I was walking down the hall whistling while eating a pudding cup, I noticed a boy getting bullied. "Heyo! What's up my dudes?" I said stepping infront of the boy. "Move out of our way Y/N." The bullies said. "Why? I like where i'm standing." I said smiling. "Move now or we will hurt you too." They threatened me. "Oh, well i-i'm so sorry." I said with fake tears, they looked shocked. "Hahaha! Your faces were priceless!" I said laughing while holding my stomach.

I got back up. "But i'm all seriousness, stop." I said seriously. "You don't want to make a bad impression on a pro-hero's daughter would you? It would be bad for your schooling here too because my dad is a teacher here." I said smiling with a evil aura around me. "What?" They said looking scared. "Leave him alone right now." I said stepping closer to them. "Don't ever bother him again, if you do I won't have a problem getting you expelled." I said smiling.

They ran away. I turned around to look at the boy. "Hey, you good?" I asked him, he looked shocked. "Why did you do that?" He asked. "Hehe, you should answer my question first then i'll answer yours okay?" I said with a smile. "Oh, um, yeah i'm ok." He said with a red face. "Hmm, I did that because I don't like bullies." I said and smiled at him. "About when you said your dad is a teacher here." He said looking confused. "Oh yeah my dad is-" I got interupted. "What did you do to those student who ran Y/N?" I turned around and saw my dad Aizawa! "Oh, hey dad. I just stopped them from hurting your student." I said with a smile. I looked at the boy again, he lookes extremly suprised. "Aizawa is your d-dad?!" He asked. "Hehe, yeah." I said and got picked up. "See you around." I said smiling. Then my dad took me to the teachers lounge.

Shoto Todoroki:

I was outside in the school garden and I noticed someone by the training grounds. I walked closer and noticed that it was Todoroki from my class, he was training. 'I wonder if he will let me train with him?' I looked around and noticed a bunch of girls fangirling over him. I rolled my eyes. I decided I was going to train with him.

"Hey! Todoroki!" I ran up to him. He turned around and looked confused. "I wanted to ask you, can I train with you?" I asked with a big smile. "Why?" He asked. "Because it would be better than demolishing that dummy over there." I said and pointed to the dummy that was now on fire. "Oh, you sure?" He asked. "Yep!" I said and smiled. "Ok then." He said and stepped back.

We went to either sides of the training grounds and started sparing. Each time he would use his ice I used my water and earth mixture to stop it. But, alas, he won.

I was currently laying on the ground out of energy. "Good job!" I yelled holind my hand up, I gave him a thumbs up. "You too." He said and held out his hand to help me up. "Thanks" I said taking his hand and getting up, I dusted myself off. I looked up and he was walking away. "Hey Todoroki we should train again together!" I yelled at him. He looked back and gave me a small nod.

Katsuki Bakugo:

I was walking down the hall with a bunch of books, I had to help the librarian. She was to old to carry them by herself, so I helped her.

I couldn't see where I was going to good, so I ended up bumping into the class bully. Bakugo. "Oi! Watch where you are going next time!" He said angrily. "Ah, uhm, i-i'm sorry! I-I couldn't see where I w-was going and the books were h-heavy, I r-really am s-sorry." I said really fast, I was very embarrassed. "Tch" Was all I heard from him. "You really are useless." He said picking up some books. "Huh? What are you d-doing? I can do it you don't need to h-help me."  I said frowning. "Tch, just let me." He said. "Oh, ok." I said and blushed.

He helped me take the books to the library and the librarian both gave us candies as a thanks. (I honestly love the candies old ladies give me, they are the best!) "Oh, t-thank you." I said smiling at her. "Your welcome kids, now go on you have class pretty soon." She said in a soft voice.

We both started walking to class. "Uhm, Bakugo?" I said. "What do you want?" He said annoyed. "I-I wanted to say t-thank you, for helping me." I said looking away blushing. "Yeah, whatever." He said with a slight blush.

Eijirou Kirishima: (You already know eachother)

"Hey! Kirishima!" I yelled running up to him. "Oh, hey Y/N! You made it into U.A?!" He said smiling. "Haha yeah! I'm in class 1-B though." I said high-fiving him. "Oh sweet! I'm in class 1-A!" He said smiling. "You did well on the enterance exam then?" I asked with a smile. "Hell yeah!" He said smiling. "Too be honest Y/N you should be in class 1-A with me, your quirk is really strong!" He said with a smile. "Hehe, I guess, the teachers said that too. They said they are going to give me extra lessons than the others in my class!" I smiled and him. "How manly of them!" I laughed. "If I do good enough on the extra lessons they might move me up a class!" I said excitedly.

Then the bell went off. "Oh, well it's time to go now." I said frowning. "We should eat lunch together! Also, don't give your class a hard time like you did in middle school okay?" He said smiling. "Hehe, i'll try not to!" I said and walked away.

Tenya Iida:

I was currently sleeping in class, I knew that this pissed off a certain class rep. I heard footsteps and then they stopped infront of me, I already knew that it was the class rep. Tenya Iida. "I'm not sleeping." I said and looked up with a smirk. "Sit up straight! Listen to the lessons for once!" He said doing some chopping motion with his hands. "I am listening." I said putting my head back down. "No you are not! You are sleeping in class!" He said scolding me.

I just ignored him, then I decided to use my quirk on him. "Hey, Iida." I said. "What?" He replied. "How old are you?" I asked. "I'm 16" He answered, then he fell asleep. "Oh no, look who is sleeping in class now." I said and put my head back on the desk. "Y/N, release your quirk now." I heard Aizawas' voice. "Ugh, fine." Then Iida woke up. "What happened? Why am I on the floor?" He started asking all these questions. "I used my quirk on you." I said. "What?" He said getting annoyed. "You were sleeping in class, right when the lesson was about to start." I said with a smile.

He just went back to his seat. I laughed a little, then put my head on the desk. "Don't sleep Y/N" Aizawa said. "I'll try not to teach!" I said from underneath my arms.

This is re-written, I didn't like the way the other one turned out. I like this one a lot more. Also, I still have three character slots open. So if you want a character from the anime in here just tell me. I will only allow three, so, first come first serve.

{Edit: 08.26.19}

I have 2 more character slots open!

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