Chapter 12: Cray Makes it!!

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It was just yesterday, Friday, that they didnt know if Cray would live. So today Mr. Ink and Mr. Error are takeing me and Pj to visit him. Pj insisted he would come. But i didnt fight him with it. When we got there the docter said we had to be varry careful. When i walked in the room i saw Cry in the same medical equipment as befor. I walked over to his bed and sat in the chair next to it. I grabed his hand and held it tightly. When i looked up at his puls my eyes teared a bit. It was so weak. It was almost gone. And when i saw his soul... they started to flow. But i dont sob. I only force a smile and wisper. " You're ganna... you'll be fine..." I held his hand tighter and the tears just kept flowing. I still held the smile though. I had hope he would make it. I felt Pj put his hand on my sholder but i didnt look at him. I didnt want him to see my tears. But just as i was about to say somethinh more, someone walked in. I looked back and saw someone i didnt expect to see. It was Mrs. Demon. "Huh!? Why are you hear Mrs. Demon?" Pj asked. She gigled. "Oh please Pj. Call me Ansis." She said. She put her hands on both of our sholders with a glad smile. "Im glad to see you both are ok." Her expression became serious. "But im actually here because i help out. And as i recall the docters telling me, this yong man is in leathel danger. Am i wrong?" My tears became slightly heavier as i shake my head. She sighs and puts her hands out and his soul floughts twards her. I only watch as his soul flots slightly above her hands. It glows in an almost perficly helthy maner. But as i watch i see the damage of it going away. And i see his body shift slightly. 'I-is she healing him!?' I asked myself. She put her hands back down and his soul went back to him. I looked at it and saw that it was mearly cracked now. And not nearly as bad. "That shoukd do it! Now he should live with no worry!" She said. I cryed again. But this time they wear only tears of joy.


Mrs. Dem- err... Ansis just heald cray. Fresh seems really happy. He has thanked her about five times already. Then Ansis stood up. "Well i should get going now. Bye." She left. As soon as she closed the door i heard a voice. It was kinda weak. I looked over to Cray. He had his eyes open and was looking at Fresh. I smiled. "H-hey... fresh..." he said. Fresh seemed to be overwelmed with happyness. "CRAY!" He huged him. He was carefull as to not hurt him but it still took cray by surprise.

~~~le time skip~~~

We are on our way home and im releaved that Cray is alive. I was so scared that if he died after i told fresh he wouldnt, fresh would hate me. My parents were happy to. They were afraide that it mite lead fresh to some suicidal choises. But that didnt even cross my mind. I was to bissy trying to keep fresh calm. When we got home it was pretty late so my parents went to make dinner. Me and fresh stayed in the liveing room. "You were right! He did make it!" Fresh said happily. I smiled "Yep." Was all i could think to say. Just then my phone vibrates. When i look at it i see a text from Bon Bon.



Pj: what do YOU want?

BON BON: To be with you silly~

Pj: Go away and leave me AND Fresh alone Sl*t.

I blocked her number and put my phone away. "Who were you talking to?" Fresh asked me. I looked at him. "The one person i hate the most. I blocked her number." I said. "Bon Bon?" He said. His voice seemed to shake. "Dont worry. She wont touch ya as long as i live. Ok." I said. He noded. Dad came out and told us it was dinner time. So we went into the dining room to find stake on our plates. Me and fresh ran over to the table and started to chow down. Once we fineshed our food we headed up to my room to get ready for bed.


We went upstairs to get ready for bed. Pj went into the room to get ready first. We respect each other in that way. When he came out and let me go in i smiled at him. I didnt have any pijamas of my own here so i wore some of Pjs. (((omfg XD))) They were slightly to big on me but it was fine. I chose out some that had chocolate bars on them because i kinda liked them. Though i had no idea why he had pajamas like this. When i opend the door to tell him it was ok for him to come in. Whem he walked in and saw me i swoare that i saw a light bush on his cheak bones but i shook it off befor makeing a fool of myself. We told eachother good night then he went to his bed and i went to the one him and Pallet made for me.



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