Never meant to be | Pt. 1

50 15 12

Dear Bully,

It's been 3 years since we last had an actual decent conversation. Now when you talk to me, it's only to insult me.. y'know it hurts? I know you had a bad past... But why take it out on me?

Is it because I was nice and there for you when no one was? Am I just not good enough for you? I've waited for those 5 years...

I've waited for you to tell me you're sorry, and that you wish you never did what you had done. I know you won't, I know that even if you didn't regret it you wouldn't apologize, I know that you wish you had a better family. I know you said you were jealous of my family... I know you said you were jealous of how friendly I was...

I know you wished that I would leave you alone but stay with you forever. I know, I truly do. But I tried, I really did and you know I did. I was there when your parents divorced, I was there when your friends decided you weren't their friend anymore, I was there when your boyfriend broke up with you...

I. Was. There.

But that wasn't enough, was it? You decided to turn on me, you left me and only came back when I was better. But now you can't come back because I can't get better, and you know it. You and so many others left a permanent scar. I was always clumsy, we made a lot of jokes about that they were always funny at the time but now I know that the way you phrased things that it should've been a warning. But I've always been blind to warnings... All those falls, burns, bruises never left a scar but somehow you managed to scar me. I trusted you and I love you. Get how I say "Love" not "Loved"? I could never stop loving you as my friend, You were my everything and I miss you..


Dear Bully,

Or should I say

Dear Best Friend,

I miss you... I'm sorry I let you down I wish I could've been there for you more, then maybe you wouldn't hurt me the way you did. I can't help but blame myself for what happened, I know it wasn't my fault though. So when school comes around I won't be afraid to tell you that

I'm sorry

I tried my hardest, and I love you as my best friend. But it's not my fault, so don't you dare try to blame me like you have been for these past 3 years. Because I'm done dealing with this... I'm done dealing with you.

I guess this was just my way of saying goodbye, because I never got to and I know that you wouldn't let me. So, goodbye I hope you have a good life <3

And I guess it was never meant to be :)

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