Chapter l

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"Welcome to another season of TDAS on Pakitew Island with your hosts Chris McLean and Blainley this is the show which if you win you get 1 milliondollars so let's get on with the show."

"We welcome Cody to the island."Chris said"We also welcome Noah,Sierra,Lindsay, Leshawna, Scarlett and Courtney "Sierra walks over to Chris  and whispers something Chris tells everyone except Cody and Noah.Everyone is shocked.


What is happening its super weird 

Another boat show up with Katie,Sadie,Topher,Dawn,Dave,Dakota,Rodney, Ella,Justin,B,Scott,Trent,Sammy,Brick,Jo,Staci.Chris and Sierra walks over to tell them the same secret Cody and Noah don't know of."Well let's get your teams ready to settle in."Chris said."Team  A is Scarlett,Cody,Courtney,Noah,Topher,B,Sammy,Scott,Dakota,Lindsay, Sugar your the Killer Crocs,Team B is Sierra,Justin,Staci,Leshawna,Katie,Sadie,Ella,Rodney,Brick,Jo your  the Tough Aligators.Everyone to your cabins

The boy's cabin is next to the girls cabin so get settled in.Make sure the beds are up to code."Yes there up to code also I am the host to so yeah"Blainley said.Everyone is shocked to see Blainley "Lets do this here's your first challenge,hide and seek and here to help Izzy who is good at tracking everyone you have ten minutes to hide when its up Izzy has ten hours to find you so go."said Chris.Courtney,Sammy,Dakota,Topher,and Scarlett make an alliance and hide in a tree,Dawn,Trent,Ella hide in the teams boys cabin and they are talk.Ella asked Dawn"Is my true Prince here " Dawn answers with"Yes and I know who it is."Trent  responds with "I think it's Rodney and you both know you have feelings for each other too" Ella is shocked and is blushing and  Dawn cuddles up to Trent and says"Wow  Trent that was super cute"They both start blushing and share a small kiss. Justin and Katie are in a cave behind a rock Courtney texted Katie saying  Sadie was found with Jo and Brick on the loud speaker Chris said "Well the Tough Alligators won with a 6 to 5.See you guys at elimination ceremony Crocs"

He gives a marshmallow to









"Sugar Dakota I have 1 marshmallow left and it goes to ...."










Sorry Sugar your out take

"What y'all eliminated me.So unfair why not Lindsay.Her iq is 0" Sugar said"Lindsay is useful and didn't get found"Courtney rebuttaled.Sugar gets transported to Playa de Losers and screamed.

What is the secret that Sierra and Chris told find out tomorrow on TDAS 2.

So Chapter 2 comes out tomorrow so who do you think will be eliminated next Chapter comment below to share your thoughts.

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