Chapter 2

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Last time on Total Drama All Stars 2.Were introduced to our campers.Trent and Dawn shared a small kiss.Rodney and Ella might confess love to each other will Courtney and Scott make amends with each other.What is Noah and Cody's secret. Who is eliminated Today find out on Total Drama All Stars 2.

    In the forest Cody meets Noah in the forest where they talk."Cody what is wrong with everyone here their acting very very strange even though we're all friends."Just than a Sierra runs to see what there doing and catches a glimpse of what happens and see something horrific. Then she runs back to the girls cabin where every camper is at for a meeting."Guys,Guys!"Sierra pants and Dawn goes to calm her down."What's wrong Sierra!"Sierra gets back up and shows a picture of Cody and Noah kissing.After everyone sees the picture they pass out.Then the loud speaker blares with Chris' voice saying" Everyone come to the mess hall expect Cody and Noah"Cody and Noah shrug and go to there cabin.They walk to the mess hall and Chris and Blainley show up."Chris mind I explain" He shakes his head."The challenge is to try and get Cody and Noah to brake things of with each other so you could eliminate them and if you don't the team there on wins and the other team loses so Cros you might want to sabotage the gators so the don't win and you don't break them. It would tear them apart.Now go"Everyone is at there cabins thinking."We should keep them together so Courtney what should we do?"Topher asked

Courtney said they should be together." Oooooooh this is juicy we should keep watching right after this." Sierra is back in the woods and see that Cody and Noah naked!!!!!!!!She screamed and then she ran and Cody woke up and w Noah and woke him up." Noah wake up we don't have a challenge but everyone eels does."Noah smiled and went back to sleep and so did Cody. Leshawna runs up and takes a picture and the goes and shows it to her team and the other team, but they hid it so no one else new.Topher and Sammy start to hide and and to  go  The cave and and talk." Sammy I want to give you this so when where older we can you know go get married later on" Sammy looked in awe and hug Topher and said " Yes"They make up and jump for joy and share a kiss and go back and sneak in the cabin.

Sorry for not updating guys but schools makes you busy so here's the the new chapter and sorry again love y'all and I'll make it up and make a new chapter tomorrow so yeah and make sure to like and comment and maybe if you want I can keep the CodyxNoah thing going on comment and vote so read the final part to the challenge tomorrowand get ready cause its a very crazy crazy finisher to the challenge but ask if you want the break up master Heather to help the gators win then ask for a Heather challenge and if I don't then she gets another challenge than so see you tomorrow.Later!!!!

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