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"HOLD STILL, peter." theo told peter, who kept squirming as he sat on the closed toilet in peter's bathroom. theo dabbed the cut with hydrogen peroxide gently as peter winced.

peter chuckled a bit. "it's kind of hard when you're dabbing so hard." he told her.

theo giggled. "don't be a baby." she said and finally put a bandaid on the wound.

peter laughed. "yknow i wont need those, right? i have super healing." he told her, looking up at her.

theo chuckled. "i just wanna keep you safe." she said, running a hand through his curls gently.

peter smiled, standing up. "alright, your turn." he said, picking her up and placing her on the bathroom counter.

it went silent for a minute as peter gently cleaned her cut on her cheek. "i'm sorry." he mumbled softly, chewing on his bottom lip

theo shook her head. "for what, pete? it's kind of my fault toomes got me. i should've been more careful." she said softly.

peter shook his head. "for the things i said to you before. i made you cry." he said, his eyebrows furrowing as he recalled the memory of theo turning up at his doorstep. he sighed. "i promise that i'll protect you. always. no matter what." he told her.

she sighed. "peter, i shouldn't have lied to you. it was wrong. i didn't know i would fall for you, but i did. and i fucked it up." she mumbled, looking down at her feet.

peter looked at her, putting the cotton ball down. he tucked his fingers under her chin and lifted them up so her eyes would meet his.

"my feelings haven't changed for you. i like you. i've liked you since you came up to me your first day of school." he told her, caressing her cheek with his calloused thumb gently.

theo's heart swelled with love and her cheeks reddened. "i like you too, peter. a lot." she told him, smiling widely.

peter smiled back and leaned in, capturing his lips with hers.

she kissed him back quickly, gripping his sides and pulling him closer.

about a week later, everything was back to normal. theo was able to continue to go to midtown tech. she continued to stay with her aunt. when she got free time, tony picked her up to spend time with her.

it took theo a lot of convincing to let her stay in new york city, especially after the incident. but, tony knew she could take care of herself.

after that, peter went over to theo's a lot. they had decided to hold off on telling tony until the time was right. peter didn't know how he would feel.

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