Y/N pov:I left Muriel's hut early since he was sound asleep from the adventure we had yesterday in town. As I continue walking deeper to the forest I met up with Morga who was waiting for me, while leaning back to a tree.
"You better have not thought to bring that pure giant here." She said with a glare while holding her spear.
"Dont worry I didn't...I know how he would've start getting worried if he saw me training with you."
Morga simply nodded and gave me a wooden spear. She then said that ill be fighting with her. Which it took me a second to snap out of my daze. I thought I was gonna go hunting training. But that is disqualified right now I have to fight with Morga.
*Time skips*"Well (Y/N), I've been taken by surprise you'r fighting skills are pretty high, you may be dismissed. Ill see you tomorrow" She pat my head and left
I stood there quite happy about myself but the thing is...im all scratched up and I have bruises everywhere from the 'toss n turn' of my opponent. I sighed and decided to go to the shop with Asra.
I arrived to the shop and walked in then closing the door behind me. When I went upstairs I saw Muriel and Asra talking about how worried they where about me. But as I took a step back, Inana ran to me and barked. 'Gee thanks Inana you blew my cover...but I cant blame you' I pet her and turned my attention to the two parents I had...Muriel was actually mad and concerned while Asra ran to me and checked me then went downstairs to get some herbs.I looked at Muriel who was looking away upset. "Muriel...Look at me...please"
"............I can't.....it pains me to see you hurt..........I told you to don't train with Morga........" He said with a little shaky voice. I went to him and grabbed his hand. He looked at me confused until I placed his hand in my chest."Can you feel my heartbeat?" He blushed and nodded. "That means im alright and that im here". Muriel grabbed my arm gently and pulled me to him. "....(Y/N) .....I love you....)
He then placed his lips in mine and kissed me gently I did the same while caressing his cheeks and closing my eyes. The kissed got smoother and passionate, we continued until we where out of breathe."I love you too, Muriel"
Word count 429😚
I loved this fluff omdbsbxjsb~
I hope y'all enjoyed!~