Chapter One

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I'm so sorry Skeppy, BadBoyHalo, a6d, and anyone else for whatever this uh... thing is. 

anyway hope you enjoy lmao


"ZAK! Wake up!" My mom shook me awake, almost dragging me out of my bed.

I groaned, rolling to the other side of the bed where my mom couldn't reach me. I pulled my blanket over my head to block out any sunlight. "Moooooommmm!" I whined. "Just five more minutes pleeasseee!" It was so early in the morning, what was all the fuss about?

My body felt a sudden cold breeze. My mom had ripped the blanket away from my body. "YOU BETTER GET OUT OF THAT BED RIGHT NOW OR I'LL TAKE AWAY YOUR COMPUTER!" Shoot, she was pissed.

"Geez, geez, okay, mom! I'll get up!" I slowly dragged my body out of my bed, trying to keep away from my mom's angry glare. "Isn't it Saturday today? Why do I have to get up so early?"

My mom just sighed and dropped something in front of me. It was my backpack, which was totally not based off of my Minecraft skin... "Why do I need this?" I asked.

"Because today's the first day of school!" She yelled.

First day of... school...? Didn't I already finish high school? I swear, my mom is trolling me right now.

Wait a minute. What if BBH called my mom and got her to troll me. Probably revenge for all of the other times I trolled him, which I don't even regret one bit. Too bad for him, I figured out his troll anyway.

"Hurry up, Zak! You're going to be late and it will be a huge waste of money."

I smirked. "I know what's going on here, mom."

My mom gave a sigh of relief. "Finally. Now get ready for school!"

"Nonononono. I know that you and BBH 'connived' together," Heh, I even used the word that he used on me and a6d. "To trick me into thinking I had school again!"

"Zak, what are you talking about? And who is this BBH person?"

Not gonna lie, she was a bit convincing in pretending to not know she was trolling me. I was actually a bit surprised that she would even agree to do this.

"Mom, you don't have to pretend anymore. I'm going to call BBH right now and tell him that his troll didn't work." The fact that BBH thought that he could troll me was hilarious. Did he not remember the last time he tried to do that didn't work? I took out my phone and started going on Discord, but my mom snatched it before I could do anything.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"Don't start playing games with me, Zak! You better start getting ready now!" My mom looked dead serious, so I guess BBH really wanted this troll to work. As much as I don't want to, I'll play along for now.

"Okay, okay..." I huffed. "Can you leave, please? I need to change."

"All right, but you better be done in five minutes." She closed the door to my room and I was left all alone. Should I actually start getting ready? It's 7 AM in the morning, and my eyes still wanted to give up on me. All of my muscles were aching from a lack of sleep since I decided to stream until 3 AM in the morning.

Hm... what if BBH planned more for the troll? Whatever it was, I am a bit curious to find out. I guess I'll play along for the time being.

My outfit was just a casual outfit that I usually have on everyday, of course. A hoodie and a pair of jeans. My mom was waiting for me in the living room, probably thinking about the next part of the troll. I got to hand it to her, her acting was almost convincing if not for the fact that this was obviously a troll.

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