Chapter 1

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Almost there.

I stared at the clock, watching the minute hand slowly tick towards noon.

Twenty seconds, "Just a reminder, don't forget to finished your project by Thursday. This project will hurt or help your grade, so put your best work into it. You are dissmissed." The clock said exactly noon ending my last class of the day.

I'm at the tail end of fall semester of my third year in college. I still live with my parents above our bakery, and I wouldn't change a thing. All of my friends from highschool go to the same college, so it feels like nothing has changed.

I walked out of the fashion building, with backpack in hand. I walked on the road and toward the parking lot. I pulled out my keys and sounded my car. My car was an older one, but I liked it just the same. I opened the drivers door and got in. Putting my purse on the passenger seat and closing the door, I turned my key. The ac and the radio turned on, cooling the car down. I connected my phone with the car and started playing my own soundtrack.

The drive home was the same, people walking down the streets, and lights always turning red. It was just a normal day. But, at the same time it wasn't.

Tonight I had a date. Not any other date, but with my long time crush Adrien.

A few years back me and Adrien confessed our feeling to another. We never did become a thing, as some would call it. We just became best friends. It was awkward and weird at first, but eventually we worked it out. By now we've gone on multiple dates, each ending better than the last. And that was all I was hoping for.

Not only were me and Adrien best friends, but me and Chat have grown too. He's persistent as ever to know my identity, I've just told him someday. I don't know when that will be, but hopefully not for a little while.

I pulled around the side of the bakery and parked my car. Grabbing my belongings, and pulling my keys out and got out of the car. Locking it, I walked into the bakery and was hit with the fresh scent of bread. I put my stuff down and walked through the inside door into the bakery. 

"I'm home!" I called to my parents. Mom and dad turned to me and smiled.

"Welcome home sweetheart!" Papa exclaimed. I gave them both a hug, and looked at all of the treats.

"What are you guys serving today?" I looked in the display cases at all of the cookies, muffins, breads, and deserts.

"Our special today is raspberry tarts, which seems to be a real hit!" Mama said. I looked down at the bottom shelf, and my mouth couldn't stop watering. Raspberry tarts were one of my favorites.

"Don't mind me then..." I slid the glass and grabbed a tart with my bare hand. I put the tart in my mouth and took a big bite. 

"Marinette!" I sat up and looked at my parents in the eye's. Covering my mouth, I chuckled and walked toward the door. 

"I'll pay you later!" I yelled back at them, and walked through the door. Now heading up the stairs with a sweet treat in my hand. I walked into my kitchen and pulled out ingredients for a sandwich. White bread, peanut butter, jelly, and a plate. After smearing the peanut butter and the jelly, I had a perfect looking sandwich. I then opened the fridge and grabbed myself a little orange and a yogurt. Putting it on my plate I walked up the stairs and through my trap door into my bedroom. 

My room hasn't changed one bit. Still the long cat on my bed, pink walls, wood floors, everything. I did change the furniture so it wasn't so short, but that doesn't really change the room. I put my purse on my coat hook and sat at my desk. With the plate on the desk, me in a comfortable chair, and a good tv show. This couldn't get any better. 

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