Chapter 1:
How lucky am I?! I get to stay in a college dorm and basically live on my own for 4 weeks without my parents! Sure, I have to attend class everyday for like 7 hours and its summer, but it's so worth it. Me and about 300 other kids were selected from all over the country to come and study here. This is going to be so cool!
**** 1st day of camp ****
I can do this. I can do this. I CAN do this. Ok.... Maybe I can't. I bet I'm going to be the dumbest person here. I bet they are all going to be total nerds. I bet this is going to be the worst month of my life. What have I gotten myself into. All these thoughts are flying through my mind, as I walk up to the check-in. My parents flew me out here all alone and I'm flying home alone, too. I felt so grown up even though I'm only 15. A huge wooden door stands in front of me; I shift my pillow to my other arm and yank it open. With a big breath, I smile and walk into the room.
Holy crap! It's packed in here! I look around and see kids with their parents everywhere. This is kinda awkward... I'm all alone.
"Hello! I'm Morgan! I'm a junior counselor here! Come over here to check in!" A blonde haired girl smiled at me.
I walked over to her and turned in all my information. It turns out she is the head of my hallway. She gave me my room key and told me which stairs to take. "Thanks! Ill see you soon!" I was basically shouting in order for her to hear me.
Seriously how many stairs could there be? It felt like I was tugging me huge suitcase forever. "Hey! Hahaha it looks like you could you some help!" I turned to look at whoever said this. Oh dang! He was gorgeous! Tan with sandy brown hair and ocean blue eyes. I think my mouth might have been hanging open. I snapped it shut and blushed. Pulling at my messy bun, I realized I probably looked like a disaster.
"Hey! Help would be great!" I tried to flash the most charming smile I could. He walked down to where I was and took hold of the suitcase.
"I'm Hunter," he said sticking out his hand, "and this is my 3rd year here and I'm a 3rd year." That meant he was a year older than me.
I shook it and was surprised how warm and strong it was.
"I'm Lia. This is my first year, but I'm a second year."
We continued small talk all the way to my room. It turns out he was one more stair case up and to the right a few doors down.
"Before I go, what class are you taking?" He asked me while handing me my suitcase back. Hunter didn't even look tired!
"I'm in Social Phycology. What about you?"
"Same here!! That's awesome! So ill see you tomorrow then! Bye!"
Yes! I get to see him more! Now time to set up my room and to meet my roommate. I slid the key into the lock and swung the door open. There were two beds, two desks, and two closets in this small room painted an off-white. I inhaled and smelled a faint scent of Frebreeze. My roommate wasn't here because her stuff wasn't set up. I began making my bed and unpacking.
"HELLO?????" Someone sung as they pulled the door wide open.
"Hi! I'm Lia! You must be my roommate!" I turned around to face her. Oh gosh..... She looks so artistic.... I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet.
"I'm Erica! I'm a 2nd year 2nd year!" She beamed straightening her suspenders and then fixing her bowtie. I had to admit she did have a certain style and she pulled it off.
"This is my first year, but I'm a second year!" I said shyly.
"Well this will be fun!" She said grabbing my arm and pulling me to the window. She gestured to the outside where kids were playing with a frisbee, some were siting talking, some were painting/drawling, and some were reading. She patted me on the back and then spoke softly, "Welcome to paradise."
FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!(: I hope you are enjoying this so far. I'm trying not to make is confusing, so sorry if it is. Please tell others about my story if you like it! Ask me questions if you'd like!
RomanceLia goes away to a monthlong summer camp for smart kids where she is stating at a college. She meets Hunter, who quickly becomes her best friend. One day she starts liking him as more than a friend. Hunter asks someone else to the big dance, and Lia...