Skater girll ❤️

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I woke up and saw steven was still asleep . So I got up and took a shower dryed my hair and curled it and but on some booty shorts and a crop top my white convers and grabbed my bored and left for thaa' skate park . When I got there I saw about 12 guys and they all looked at me and went and sat down . I started skating and doing tricks and when I stopped it was quite one boy asked me if I was sponsored I said idk maybe maybe not and smiled and got a drink . One asked my for my number but I said I was taken and my phone was full of number so I could give my number out anymore 😂👌 . I saw steven coming up to thaa' park . He laughed and came and kissed me . All thaa' boys say back down and just watched me and steven skate for about an hour . Then we went back home when thaa' last thing I exspected happend....

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