Braking thaa' news ..

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'I guess I feel asleep after I got off thaa' phone lasts night' I thought. I gout up and took a shower and curled my hair &&' went to thaa' kitchen . My phone started ringing . It was aaron .. Ohh shii .
A: Did you know ?
Me: yes ..
A: why didn't you tell me ?
Me: Meia wanted to tell you .
A: ohh .. Im scared .. I'm gunna be a dad
Me: yeah . You just need to be there for meia right now cause she's gunna be going threw a lot .
A: yeah well I'll talk to you later .
Me: aight bye hun
a: byee
We hung up . He sounded mad at first but at thaa' end he didn't I hope everything's Okaai . Should I tell steven ? I guess I should . He had a right to know to . I saw steven come around thaa' corner . He wrapped his arms around me ..
Me: steven .. I need to tell you something ..
Steven: is everything Okaai ?
Me : yeah . But meias pregos . With two
Steven: OMG Aaron .
Me: he knows ..
Steven : ohh Okaai .
Steven kissed me and went to thaa' living room . I popped some popcorn and went &&' sat in stevens lap &&' we put on a movie as I slowly drifted asleep ..

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