Chapter 1 : Plan For Halloween Party

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"Party? Here? In the clubroom?" This time Asahina-san was talking. She starts questioning about whatever Haruhi is planning right now. A halloween party? Good grief. Nagato still stay in her reading position, I don't know if she heard this or not.

"As expected from Suzumiya-san." Hey why you easily agree like that, Koizumi?! "I can suggest some of decorations for the clubroom that suitable for the Halloween."

"That's good Koizumi-kun! I let you to handle some decorations for that party." Her eyes seems glittering like shining stars in the night sky after hearing that from Koizumi.

"I understand, Suzumiya-san." Koizumi reply with his usual smile. "For your knowlegde, the Halloween is celebrate in 31st October, that means, it's the final day of this month."

"Really? Well, we have a lot of time to find some good costumes to be wear in the Halloween later."

I think not, because we already have costumes here.

"That's costumes just a mascot for Mikuru-chan & to attract people to join this brigade, I would never use it for the halloween. Besides, we don't have any scary costumes that is important for the Halloween. I want to attract monsters or ghosts to come to my party by make they think we were one of them too!"

What?! That's why you want make that party? Oh no, why I start to have this uneasy feeling...Please don't make any real ghost come & haunted us...


"What is it, Koizumi-kun?"

"Are you going to invite some people to this party?"

"Now you mention it, I think I just invite Tsuruya-san, and those two idiot friends of Kyon, what's their name?"

You mean Taniguchi & Kunikida?

"Yeah, those two."

How come you don't even remember your own classmate names?

"Do I even care about that? I already be so generous to invite them to my party, they can taste my special cooking for the party."

Oh no...Not again...

Last time Haruhi cook in the clubroom is on the night of Christmas last year, her cooking really delicious, but I always afraid that the student council find out that we illegally cooking some food in the clubroom, but luckily they didn't notice it.

"Kyon, you better wear some good costume for the Halloween. If not, I will give a death penalty!"

Yeah, yeah...Like I even care. But as far as I remember, Haruhi seems never celebrate Halloween before. She doesn't even know what is Halloween. Hey, could it be, she never celebrate that day since she a kid, doesn't she?

"I'm really regret not celebrating Halloween last year, damn last year was a great chance to meet 'them'." Haruhi then get up & start her announcement. "Alright guys! This year, the SOS Brigade will meet the ghosts, or monsters or anything paranormal & have fun with them! We must make this party a success & make them interested joining us in this party!"

All of us doesn't say a thing after that stupid annoucement. Nagato just stared Haruhi for a while, and then back to her book. Asashina-san seems trembling, maybe she scared about meeting some paranormal creatures. Koizumi just smile, I really annoyed by that. Why don't you say something, Koizumi?!

"Haruhi, maybe you better study more about Halloween? About the celebration & etc." Why I suggesting that? I don't know why. Maybe I don't want Haruhi wearing some stupid stuff or forcing us to wear some stupid stuff.

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