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Infant Island was a small island near Japan that was home to a line of gods and goddesses, protectors of Earth. The two current protectors were Mosura, the goddess of peace, and Battora, the god of nature. They were married, and had three children. There was their oldest, Leo, as well as their other two, Mothra and Battra, who were twins. Mothra and Leo were set to become the new deities of peace and nature, respectively, and Battra was set to become the new god of war. They would soon become the new protectors of Earth.

One day, a mysterious portal appeared in the sky above Infant Island. Mosura and Battora went outside to check. The former turned to the latter.

"What do you think it is?" She asked.

"I don't know, but I'm sensing malicious intent coming from the other side of that portal," Battora responded. As he said that, a large ship came through the portal and landed several feet away. The ship's doors opened and a tall figure walked out. He was wearing crimson armor from head to toe, complete with a crimson cape and a crimson helmet that covered his entire face. He also had two large, dark red, draconic wings sprouting out of his back. He walked over to Mosura and Battora, and they quickly realized that this mysterious man was a full head taller than Battora, the taller of the two.

"Greetings, Terrans. My name is Desghidorah, and I have come on behalf of Grand King Ghidorah," the man, apparently named Desghidorah, said.

Mosura and Battora looked at each other, confused. Mosura turned back towards him. "Who?"

"The ruler of Planet Ghidorah, who seeks an alliance with Earth. He has sent me to negotiate with Earth's protectors," he said.

"For what, exactly?" Mosura asked.

Desghidorah grabbed the handle of the broadsword hanging at his waist. Whether he was sensing their apprehension and getting ready for a fight or if he was just trying to intimidate them, they couldn't tell. "Your surrender, of course," he said.

Battora took out what looked like a black sword hilt and clicked a button, activating a blade made of fire. This was his Elemental Katana. At the same time, Mosura took out her Divine Dagger.

"Not happening," she said.

"Very well," Desghidorah replied, his voice suddenly taking on a sinister undertone. "Then you have chosen... death." He drew his broadsword, with its massive crimson blade, and ran towards them with both hands on the hilt. The three of them engaged in a one-on-two sword fight that went on for at least ten minutes before Desghidorah successfully disarmed the two deities with the grace and expertise of a trained swordsman. He sheathed his sword and walked up to the two, grabbing their throats with his clawed hands.

"Looks like you two are much weaker than I thought," he said, tossing Battora aside, his other hand still enclosed around Mosura's throat. He brought her ever so closer towards him. She held out her hand on called her Divine Dagger towards her. She caught it and attempted to stab the armored fiend in the throat, only for him to grab her wrist with his free hand, stopping her attack in its tracks. "You are very beautiful, Mosura," he said, pulling the goddess even closer. "Perhaps you and I could go back aboard my ship and get better acquainted."

Mosura didn't waste any time spitting in his exposed eye, causing him to yell out in pain and disgust and drop her to the ground. Battora got back up and ran over to her to help. However, before he could do anything, he was blasted back by a golden beam of graviton energy. Mosura looked up at Desghidorah. While she couldn't see his face, she could tell by the fire in his eyes that he was furious. She grabbed her Divine Dagger and held the blade up to her face.

"Whosoever holds this dagger, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Mothra," she whispered. An ancient rune appeared on the blade and glowed a bright yellow light before the dagger flew out of her hand and out of sight. All of a sudden, she was wrapped in a golden glow and slowly lifted into the air. She looked over and saw that Battora was wrapped in the same glow and also floating in the air. She looked over at Desghidorah and saw that he was raising his arms in their general direction. So he's capable of telekinesis, she thought. He started chuckling, although when he spoke, his voice was devoid of humor.

"You put up a good fight, but it's all over now," he said. He closed his fists, and the two deities instantly burst into flames. The air was filled with screams of agony and the smell of burning flesh. After a few seconds, the screams died down, and Mosura, goddess of peace, and Battora, god of nature, were nothing but charred skeletons on the ground. Desghidorah was about to head to his ship when he heard a voice.

"Mommy? Daddy?" It was a child's voice. One full of fear. The Winged Death turned his head and saw a young girl with brown hair, looking at the scene before her with undisguised horror. She must have been their daughter. She couldn't have been older than five or six. He slowly walked over to her, and she looked up at him as he got closer, tears filling her brown eyes. He kneeled down until he was at her level. He wanted so desperately to kill this child and get rid of a possible future threat, but his sadistic side got the better of him. He wanted this child to live the rest of her life -- however short it might be -- in pain, just like him. Then he would come back just as the pain started to go away, and make her feel it once more, but a thousand times worse. Only when her entire world was reduced to a barren wasteland, and everyone she loved was gone, would he finally put her out of her misery. He grinned under his helmet and uttered a single word: "Run."

The girl screamed and ran away as fast as she could go with her tiny little legs. Desghidorah stood up and walked back to his ship. As he boarded, he took one look back at the smoking corpses of the girl's parents. As soon as the door closed, he started laughing. An insane cackle, the laugh of a madman who had just orphaned an innocent little girl simply because he could.


It's finally here! A prequel to Godzilla that focuses on Mothra. I've been trying to write this story for over two weeks, but I got hit with insane writer's block. It was only after binge watching some My Hero Academia that I was finally inspired to finish the prologue.

As most of you may know, this story is inspired by another fanfiction series, Godzilla Warriors. If you have read that series, you may be familiar with the characters that were introduced in this chapter. If you haven't read it, then what the hell are you doing? Go read it! It's amazing! Anyway, if I had to describe how this story is going to go in the future, I'd say it's probably a mix between Thor and Wonder Woman. Now, I had a lot of fun writing Desghidorah. If you've read the GW series, you may have noticed that my version is very different despite technically being the same character. For this version of him, I channeled a combination of the GW version and Muscular from MHA. Anyway, sorry for going off on a tangent like that. Hope you guys enjoy this as much as you seemed to enjoy Godzilla.

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