Written in the stars

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Hi my name is Rose Louise Edwards, I'm 17 and live in Doncaster. Most of the time I'm home alone because my parents have to go to other countries for their work. I don't care. I have 2 best friends where I couldn't live without them. Aisinn Heather Shaw, she's like my sister. She's always there when I need her and I am always there for her. MY other best friend is Louis WIlliam Tomlinson, he's my soulmate. We always have crazy nights. He went to London in the summer.

It's 1am and Aisinn calls me. Convo:

Me: 'Hey what's wrong?'

Ais: 'Nothing, it's just, tomorrow the school is gonna start again and we aren't together anymore in the same class. It sucks!'

Me: 'Yeah, I know but look at the bright side?'

Ais: 'And that's?'

Me: 'Now we have an excuse to hang out more after school haha'

Ais: 'Haha you're rigth. But I'm gonna hang up. I'll go sleep, goodnight.'

Me: 'Goodnight'

I hang up and fell asleep. The next morning my mom wakes you up.

'Come on Rose, time to go to school'

'5 minutes mom!' I say rolling on my other side.

'Now Rose! Or I'll trow ice cold water over you.' I jumped out your bed, cause I knew she would do it.

'I'm up!' I did me hair, got dressed, put on some make up and got downstairs. I waited till my other best friend Louis came pick me to walk to school. He knocked on the door. I quick greet your parents, grabbed your schoolbag and walked to the door.


'RosyCat!' He hugged me tight.

'Come on, I wanna introduce you my new friends I made when I was in Londen!' He was so happy, so we were almost running to school. We were there an hour before the lessons would begin.

'Rose]! Here they are!' I ran with Louis to 4 handsome guys.

'Hey guys! This is Rose, she's the one I told you guys about, my best friend! Rose, this is Liam, Harry, Niall and Zayn' They all hugged me except for Zayn.

Or he was to shy, or he found himself to cool to hug. Cause he looked like a boy who wants attention. I wanted to shake hands but Louis already pulled me away.

'So do you.. Maybe.. Could be best friends with them too?' Louis had a big smile on his face.

'Yeah, I'll try my best' I said laughing a bit. I looked at Zayn who starts blushing with no reason.

'Someone's shy?!' I said to Zayn, he then grabbed Liam's arm and walked away to talk.

'What's wrong?' Liam asked looking at Zayn.

'Do you believe in love at first sight?'

'Why? Are you in love?' Liam smiled and looked in Zayn's eyes.

'Yeah...' He looked down and start blushing again.

'On who do you have a crush? Rose?' Liam was smiling friendly and Zayn start to blush even more.

'Uhm.. Yeah..' Zayn couldn't be more red than he was. I jumped between Liam and Zayn.

'Sorry! Louis pushed me' I apologized.

'It's fine. At least you didn't fall haha' Liam laughed and pushed Zayn a bit.

'Haha yeah' I smiled.

The school bell ring and you all got to your class. I saw Zayn in your class and sat next to him. He started to blush and his other friends saw it and they were laughing at him. So he turned into a "I'm so cool and handsome, look at me. Don't love me I'll be rude to you anyway" guy and shaked the red cheecks away. I wanted to say something but the bell rang for lunch. I walked to Louis and the rest and sit next to Niall.

'Woaw you eat alot!' I said looking with big eyes.

'Yeah I know. I'm always hungry and eat alot' He smiled. I laughed a bit. Zayn wasn't sitting with you. He texted Liam, he didn't wanted to eat with me around. I told the boys he acted weird in class. Liam looked confused at what you said.

'He will change to normal just wait for it' The others said patting me on my shoulders. The bell ring and I had drama class. I jumped in class because you were a little late, I had to take some stuff out your locked.

'Rose I saw you, so you have to make a pair with .. ZAYN!'

'Great' He said sarcastic. He rolled his eyes and stepped towards me.

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