C H A P T E R : E I G H T

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Logan's point of view

(Y/n) took my hand and looked me in the eyes "are you ready?" She asked and I just nodded "here we go"

I looked around and saw a lot of blue spiral with the sight of dimension and humans or other creatures, she was looking around searching for our spiral.

We've been floating around for a while now and we've finally found our spiral, I looked inside and saw 8 people sitting on a couch watching a movie "this is us" (y/n) said, she pulled me inside and we landed on a roof.

(Y/n) walked inside and went to the bathroom, I waited outside still about dizzy about being in the supercloud as she calls it.

I was leaning against the wall still waiting for her when someone holding a hammer walked by.

When he saw me he ran towards me and pushed me against the wall "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ON MIDGARD?!" The man said loudly "wow take it easy dude I'm (y/n)'s boyfriend" I said stressing a little "AND WHERE IS LADY (Y/N) THEN) the man said loudly again, why did he say lady (y/n)? And right on time my baby walked out of the toilet "hi Thor" she said casually and walked away with us following her "so your name is Thor?" I asked "yes Thor Son Of Odin, King Of Asgard and God Of Thunder" he said proudly "and who are you?" He said looking down at me "I'm Logan but you can call me Wolverine"

Your point of view

I could hear Thor and Logan talk to each other behind me it was quite funny if I'm honest, when we arrived at the living room I sat down on the couch and let Logan sit down besides me "FRIDAY call the team together" I called "sure thing (y/n)"

"What did you just do?" Logan asked confused, I laughed and said that it was stark technology.

Everyone arrived and sat down happy that I came to visit again, "yayyyy my drinking buddy is here again" tony said enthusiastic "I'm sorry tony but I'm sober now and I'm here for a very serious reason, I need your help." I said standing up "what do you need us to do?" Bruce asked interested. I let Logan explain everything that was going on in our world, once he was finished I said that I could teleport all of us to our world so that we could start training. They all agreed "but then you'll owe me one, huh?" Stark said winking "dude she's my girlfriend stay away or I'll" Logan said while he showed his claws "gross" tony said laughing, I giggled and walked towards the roof.

On the roof we all took each other's hand ready for takeoff,

When we arrived in our world where the X-men where already waiting for us in the living room, Natasha puked and everybody laughed except for Bruce and Clint who tried to help her.

"Okay, all go to sleep and tomorrow we will start training" Charles said

~ 524 words ~

(A/n) I'm sorry this story sucks so much, but I'll finish it because it's almost ready

Two Souls, One Heart ~ Wolverine (Logan) x Reader COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now