Chapter 17

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I walked home the letter clenched to my chest. The sun was shining down on me as I walked home. People walked by. How would I tell Jack.

I decided. That I would bring us out to dinner and reveal the book with the letter. That would be a good way to reveal it right? I certainly hoped so.

When I walked in I hid the letter and the book. Jack was in the study. I didn't alert him of my presence. I walked to my room and hid the book.

I walked to the study, leaning against the doorframe.

"Jack I'm home!"

He looked up from his book. He rushed forward nearly toppling me over. He showered me in sweet soft kisses.

"Jack I was only gone for a little bit" I chuckled against him.

"Hmm, I know I just missed you so much"

He sucked on the sensitive area under my jaw, making me moan. He started to unbutton my blouse.

"Jack" I barely said pushing him away, "I have something for you"

I handed him the save the date from Phylis.

"Oh! Her an' Robert Are gettin' married! Well that's wonderful! Are we attendin'"

I nodded. He smiled, "that sounds fun"

"I know. One more thing. Can we go out for dinner tonight? I have some news"

"O'course. I'll have Angus fill in for me tonight. Should I go get changed?"

"In a little bit." I said pressing my lips against him again.

He pulled away. We picked up around the house. He helped me do the laundry. I cleaned up some dishes.

Around a half hour later we changed in our bedroom. I changed into a light green dress. He dressed in a green vest, and gray blazer and pants. He groomed his hair.

I tucked the book in my bag and we walked hand in hand to dinner. We walked to the restaurant, Margot. A newer pasta place. Jack led me in. The host greeted us, "Good evening. Welcome to Margot. How many?" He had a bit of an Italian accent.

"Two sir" Jack responded. He grabbed two menus and led us to a table near the center of a large room. There was a bar, beautiful candle lit tables.

Jack pulled back my chair. He sat across from me.

A waiter came by and took our order of wine. He came back and filled our glasses, then took our orders for our food.

While he was gone Jack looked at me. "So you said you had news?" He smiled.

I squirmed in my seat. "Jack I Uh-"

His face dropped. "You're not pregnant are you?!"

"What?! No! No! I have something for you!"

He smiled again, "What love? You can tell me." He grabbed my hands. I grabbed the book from my purse and slid it across the table.

His eyes widened in shock. "It's done?" He asked picking it up, running his hands over the cover.

"Just released today. Open up the dedication page"

He flipped to it, and read aloud,

"For Jack. For all you've taught me. For my keeper of the flame."

He gawked at me. I gave him the letter. He read it to himself. After he was done he read it again.

"The Queen?" He asked, "inviting me?"

I nodded eagerly.

"I-I can't believe it." He had tears in his eyes. He pressed a kiss to my hands.  "So it's tomorrow night?"


"I'm going to need a new suit"

"Darling. It'll be okay. Something tells me she will love you just as much at me. If not more" he smiled at me and we finished up our dinner.

We walked home underneath the dark navy sky pointing out constellations to each other. He was like a kid on Christmas ecstatic beyond compare.

We walked hand in hand to our home. He showered and I curled up in bed. Later he joined me, pressing his face into my neck.

I nuzzled into him and we drifted off to sleep together to our dreams of kings, and flowers, and long walks in the parks.

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