🌧- shut up -🌧

179 3 0

modern au

midoriya izuku

ooc possibly

⚠️TW⚠️ harsh words, belittling, mentions of throwing things and breaking glass, etc.

if any of this triggers you, please avoid reading this. i would feel horrible if something i wrote were to take you to a dark place, so please, if it triggers you in any way, go drink some water and listen to some music instead, ok?

enjoy, lovelies



S O H O , L O N D O N , U K

S E P T E M B E R  9 T H
8 : 0 0  P M
3 6  H O U R S  L E F T

the front door is opened then abruptly slammed shut. footsteps start coming towards the kitchen, where i stood making food.

’oh, he’s back! just in time too!’ i thought, ‘but..he doesn’t normally slam the door...maybe he just had a bad time?..oh well, we can’t always get what we want, I guess.’ i shrugged, getting out another plate from the cabinet. 

“hey, izu! welcome ba-” 

“shut up.”


now, i was fairly surprised, startled, even. if you knew midoriya izuku, you would know that he is the calmest and sweetest person to pretty much everyone. he never raises his voice out of anger or frustration, outside of arguments where those feelings are shown reasonably and appropriately, but we hadn’t argued before he left, which left me to wonder why he was suddenly so aggressive.


“just shut the hell up and give me my food.” he interjected, his voice having lost it’s soothing and pleasant tone, being replaced by a gravelly and slurred one.

“uhm...sure..” i murmured, not having experienced a single time where he was like this.

i put a plate of food in front of him and one on the other side of the table, for me, specifically.

“fucking finally…” He grumbled, grabbing his fork and looking down at the food that i served.


my favorite dish since I was a child. I only made it on or leading up to special occasions, well, what I considered to be special, at least. he just started eating in silence as I sat down and did the same. 

    me being me, i decided to start up small talk, maybe figure out what had him down in the dumps. 

    “so, how did it go? did you meet any new people? any new experiences i should know about?” i asked, glancing up at him for any type of reaction or answer at all. the answer i got? silence. 

    ‘..alright, let’s try this again’ i thought.

    “i heard the view is really nice, was it?” silence once more.

    “i hope momo and jirou are doing alright, how are they? are they still together-” his chair scraped against the ground as he stood up and slammed his hands on the table. 

    “would you just shut the fuck up?! goddamnit, you are so fucking annoying, I can’t stand it anymore!” he yelled, pounding his fist harshly on the table, causing the glass by his plate to fall and shatter.


    i, startled and terrified, pulled back, tearing up. izuku says what he means and means what he says, even in anger or blind rage, even if it’s over exaggerated, he means it.

    “i-i’m sorry!” I manage to squeak out, eyes wide and already full of burning tears like a deer in headlights. 

    “didn’t i just tell you to shut the fuck up?! you act like such a fucking child sometimes, i’m sick of it! you’re twenty-four, not six, grow the hell up!” he bellowed, pulling away from the table and swinging his arms. as if that statement hadn’t already hurt me enough, he went on.

    “i’m sick and tired of having to clean up after you and your bullshit! i drag my ass through the mud to help and provide for you and this is what you do?! whine like a fucking child and cry about the shit you don’t have? you ungrateful piece of shit, start doing something with your life ‘cause i’m fucking done doin it for you!” he said, his voice getting quieter and more threatening as he finished. 

    he stared at me, waiting for my answer, yet all i could do was stare back with tears streaming down my face and my knees pulled to my chest.

what else is there to do after hearing that from your best friend and love intrest?

    when he finally got the memo that i wasn’t going to answer him, he grabbed his plate and stormed off to his room, slamming his door harshly.

and what did I do?

i sat there, trembling, with tears streaming down my face, and a cold plate of (f/f) in front of me, untouched and unbothered, as if nothing had even occurred.


a/n- not proof read or edited since written


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