Chapter 1: Intro

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Isn’t it funny how little we notice detail? Well it isn’t until I sat here staring at a rusted over wall that I realize that metal looks better on cars than it does on my cell, or that my keeper has a mole just to right of her mouth, and every time she lies it seems to grow. My name is Jane, I have forgotten my last name and everything leading up to the dirty ground I lay on. I only know what they tell, for one I am a prisoner in a castle which is ruled by some Queen so wicked that she won’t let anyone tell me what I had done to be throne in a wretched mucky prison. I have only heard of rumors of an uprising from the guards who stand outside my cell, but other than that I have no idea of the world that lies outside of here.

            As I sit here and contemplate what I shall do for the rest of my life, for I am not leaving here, from the Queens orders, until they are sure I don’t remember anything. Even remembering my name is practically a felon, for I supposedly pose a threat to her mighty rule. I have been in the darkness for what seemed like 3 years, but I only go off the maid’s conversations.

            Soon enough Jasper, the royal advisor, comes my side to try to jog my memory, to see if I’ll budge. As I play with my golden brown hair, casually twirling it, I tell him for the hundredth time, “no jasper, I do not remember my family,” or “yes Jasper, I am sure my name is Jane.” He scoots closer and tugs at my hair, “you would tell me if you remembered anything, right?” I think for a minuet but close my mouth, “hmm sure.” He seems satisfied so he crawls out, to give the report to her majesty.  After about 5 minutes, or so, my keeper comes rushing in, “yes Kelnouth?” I ask. “The Queen, she want’s to see you.” She replies in a surprising tone. “But Kelnouth, I’ve never seen her, or gone past my cell, why now?” Kelnouth whispers something I can barely make out, “something about the uprising my dear."

            With that I am strictly marched up to her chambers, taking in all of the surroundings. Magnificent sculptures align the walls, as maids scurry around trying to make the place spotless. After about a 10 minute walk I am at enormous stainless steel doors that shift open at my approach. “My dear Jane won’t you come in” a familiar sounding voice sang through the room. As I am shoved onto the gleaming golden carpet, the Queen looks me over, “Oh my have you changed, you look just like your mother.” As she said those words a mountain of hurt came flooding over me. “What do you know about my mother?” I accusingly said. “You don’t bow at your Queen, Ms. Jane?”

“How do you know my mother” I now furiously said while the guards try to calm me down. “Come now, sit by me we have things to discuss,” she wickedly chuckled. I made my way to her so I was siting under her chair. “So my dear, you don’t remember an awful lot do you?”

It was more like a statement than a question, but I replied with a smart “no, but I’m guessing you do.”  She scrunched her face in disgust, “You’re a smart one aren’t you, but nevertheless we need to talk." As she moved her body towards me she began, “I know you are wondering why for so long we have put you in a prison, but put a side what you think, this was for your own good. You probably have heard rumors of an uprising in the land outside these walls.” She opened her mouth once more but harshly closed it, "My sweet Jane, this is your doing, and you must fix it." 

I looked at her blankly before replying “how can I fix something that I have supposedly done when I don’t even remember my last name.”

“We will give you all the information you need in order to help us”

“But why would I help you, after how many years, of keeping me in a cell.” Now my voice was rising.

“ We did this for your own good Jane, you were in danger, but we will give you something in return, your freedom. Just think about it.”

Before I could respond about her offer I am whisked away by a guard, the Queens words in my head.

            After walking the corridors being led back, I’m practically thrown into my cell. As I sit there engulfing what had just happened, I see a white piece of paper lying on my bed, it was torn, and barley legible. I read what was faintly written on the top. “Do not trust the Queen, Jane Wilmonson.” 

Authors Note// NEW STORY GUYSSS! I hope you like keep reading it'll get really interesting! COmment and favorite please and I will update faster thanksss! 

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