Chapter 3: Clocks

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Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock

The hands on a clock resemble more than numbers. Their the moments in our life, some go quicker than others and some drag on. I on the other hand don’t have many memories or moments to go along with them, so for now my clocks broken. It’s been a month since my decision and I’ve started with the problems outside the walls but I haven’t gone further than the window. I watched prisoner after prisoner beg for mercy and at my command I sent them to their death. The Queen said that this was a test of my loyalty.

            Today I’m going to the Lady’s lake, which lies in the middle of the castle and the commoners. I heard this was neutral ground, the water symbolizes peace in mankind, and no bloodshed would occur. Not only will it be my fist time outside the castle but I’ve learned that I’m sixteen form anonymous. We’ve had many conversations over note taking, they leave me one under the sheets of my bed and I write on the back and tuck it under the bucket in my cell. Usually I see one after I’ve had a talk with the Queen. I’ve learned my mothers name, Eliza, and some facts about the situation outside the castle. Apparently it’s disastrous, poverty covering the land, rebel attacks in each town. The Queen has drilled into my mind that this is my fault, but how could I be the cause of ruining what was once a town of light and riches.

Jasper swiftly enters my cell and sits next me. He places his hand on mine, squeezing it he tells me “big day huh, dear?” I ignore him and tilt my head away. He grabs my shoudlers and turns them to him, “answer me sweetie,” he says through clenched teeth. “Yes Jasper, huge.” In one motion he leaves the room, his smell trailing behind. “Kelnouth” I yell, “Is it time to leave. There’s a pause, “Kelnouth!”

“Yes, yes come now,” she unlocks my cell and leads me to grand door. As we walk I simply ask, “well how are we getting there?” She briskly answers “the Queen intends fro you to walk and she will meet you there.” I nod my head ok and walk out the door to meet the guards.

            After a journey through grass, and a pebble road we get there to see the Queen sitting on the silver bench with golden rimming. How this is common ground, I haven’t a clue. As I approach her she sighs and tilts her head back as she says, “Jane, we shall get you presentable clothes, shall we not.” I sit on the other bench across from her as she begins again, “time to talk to business. As you know the towns of this kingdom are going through tough times with the rebel attacks leaving towns in ruble.” As a retain all this information I ask for the tenth time this month, “yes, but you haven’t told me why their rebelling yet.” She sits there thinking and mumbles something under her breath before the says, “well if I were to tell you, than you would know about your past, and we can’t have that.” “I know but how am I supposed to help if I don’t know what I’m helping” I ask. She answers, “Just do as I say, seeing your face would be enough for them.” With that we being talking of a plan and she tells me that soon I will have to make an appearance in the towns, reason with the people.

            I walk back to my cell and collapse on my bed. I remove the raggedy old blanket in order to see if anonymous had replied with a note. As I do so, a piece of crumpled paper falls to the ground. I bend down and unravel it to find written, “Jane, they fight not because of you, but because you told them too, you’re not a pawn.” I don’t understand, why would I want all this fighting, why would I want to be the cause of deaths; I write my questions down and go to put the note away under the bucket in the corner of my room, only to find a pocket watch lying on the floor.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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