The Chest A.U Harry [Part One]

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Iknow what you're thinking "Why is it always Harry Styles the one to be in a horror imagine?!? Ugh!" To be honest, I don't know. I LOVE to read horror stories especially of Harry. He fits the role perfectly. But either way you can switch the names!!


Y/B/F (your best friend)

Chad (your boyfriend or change the name)

        "C'mon Y/N!" Y/B/F whinned as she stopmed on her feet. Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose, annoyed of her childish attitude. "No, and get in the dang car!" She snapped. Y/N two friends and Chad walked out of the store and climbed into her Volkswagen Van. Y/B/F sat on the floor and hugged the worn out chest that looked from the 1700's. Y/n and her gang (not street gang, gang as Scooby Doo gang) decided to stop by a liquor store to refill on drinks and snacks.

        Having this road trip was a great idea until Y/B/F decided to act like a kid who can't have candy. "Fine, I'm leaving you here." Y/N warned her and she stayed there. "I'm not joking." She push the door wide and opened the car. "Babe, we can't leave her here!" Chad scolded when she climbed in. "Trust me, she'll come." They waited for twenty seconds and Y/B/F came out running. Once she was inside, she playfully flipped Y/N off. "I love you, too." She grinned and started the car.

         "Why would that old man have an old chest with him." Tiffany asked eating her own chips. "Probably has money in it." Todd sips his soda. "If it did have money why in hell would he be selling it, you idiot!" Y/B/F smacked Todd's arm. "Ouch, Y/N. Your friend is being abusive." "She's your wife not mine." Y/N smirked. They both looked at each other and gagged. "Oh shut up, that's not what you guys did when you were in the closet." She scoffed and the rest laughed.

                   *   *   *

        Everyone was silent and busy with their phones when Y/N decided to make some jokes. "Guys," and everyone said yeah. "Why did Sally fall off the swing?" She cracked a smile knowing the end. Everyone groaned and replied all together, "Because she didn't have arms."

        "Gosh, you're so lame babe. " Chad stifles a laugh. "Okay okay, knock knock." "Who's there." She  continue laughed before replying. "Not Sally!" She laughed loudly and slapped her knee. "I can't believe I'm your friend." Y/B/F rolls her eyes playfully and shakes her head. "Please stop with the jokes, you suck!" Todd covers his ears and Tiffany giggles.

        "Hey I'm trying to bond with you guys." She grumbls before continuing with their destination. 

                 *      *     *

        The sun had settled down and Y/N's eyes were getting heavy. "Sons of bitches." She moaned as she glanced at the mirror to see her friends asleep and Chad snoring away on shot gun seat. At a distance a motel was in Y/N's sight and a well known smirk creeped up her lips.

        "Oh my Gosh!!" She yelled, stepping on the brake abruptly, making everyone jolt awake. "What the fuck Y/N!" Y/B/F held onto Todd but shoved him away seconds later. "We're here!!" She laughed and turned the van off. Everyone walked to the front desk. Y/N tapped on the bell a few times before a hand stopped her. "Sorry." She blushed as she glanced up the man who looked 3 years older than them.

        She were taken back by his green eyes and brown majestic hair (being dramatic ;D) she looked away when he smirked. "Babe you got the keys to the room?" Chad snakes an arm on your waist as the man's eyebrows furrows for an unknown reason. "Now yet. Two rooms please." Y/N hand s her credit card to the gorgeous man and his fingers sent sparks to her chest when it gazed her skin.

        "Just for the night?" God, his voice she thought as her knees buckled. "Just give us the damn keys." Chad bit, noticing the tension between his girlfriend and the man. The man's face turn hard and glared at him. "I have the right to deny any of you to stay." He threatens and soon his eyes soften when they landed on Y/N. "Here you go-" "Y/N." She blushed as he grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips.

         "Harry, at your service." As he was slightly bending from kissing her hand she spotted a familiar chest behind Harry. Harry follows her gaze and chuckles. "In this area you'll find lots of chest like mine." The curious girl who's hand is still in Harry's examined the chest and noticed a HS carved on a huge lock. She smiles and walks away with the keys. Something about Harry threw her off. How did he know I was looking at the chest? Was all she could think of until they disappeared from Harry's view.

        "What the hell, Y/N!" Chad exclaims after turning the corner with their friends behind and silent. "What, Chad I didn't flirt back." Y/N bit back and shoved the key into his hand. "You share room with Todd. Me and the girls in the other." She marched off with Y/B/F and Tiffany.  "Harry's hot, Chad is not." Y/B/F giggles making her best friend smile. "Hey did you notice the chest behind him?" Y/N turns to them and they shook their heads no.

                    *    *    *

        Hours past and the girls were asleep but Y/N weren't. She didn't kissed Chad goodnight and it'll bug her if she doesn't. With a lot of will power she uncovered herself from the duvets. The cold room made her half naked body shiver. She grabbed an over sized t-shirt, hiding her panties and bra. Once she was decent to go out she stepped out of the room with the key and walked down the hall.

        "Shit it's cold." She cursed as they rolled off of her tongue like nothing. Half shivering Y/N stepped closer to Chad and Todd's room. "Y/N," Harry's voice echoes through the empty hall and she turns around. She gasps as the most beautiful human stood before her with his chest raising up and down. From the dimmed light she faintly saw sweat glistening.

        "Harry, I uh-" He chuckles and moves a strand of hair out of Y/N's face. His semi cold fingers caresses her check. "What are you doing out here at 3 a.m?" He slightly cocks his head. "I could say the same thing." She crossed her arms and made the shirt ride up a bit. "Oh, yeah?" He steps closer copying her arms. Y/N puffed her chest and stepped in as well. "Yeah." She smirked.

        In a quick speed Harry had her pinned up against a wall and Y/N gasp, not believing his or hers action. "Harry-!" He stops her with a rough kiss. (So cliché huh!? Strangers kissing hours later tsk tsk) The scent of his sweat and peppermint engulfed her five senses as she kissed him back with same force. Y/N heard a faint moan from Harry making her satisfied with herself.

        Harry's hands trailing up Y/N's bare legs lifting up the t-shirt making her skin cold. Her hand reached for his and placed it in her hair. He got the idea and pulled it softly earning a muffled moan from her as the other hand drew circles on her hip. "Harry." She gasps as his mouth sucked parts of Y/N's now sensitive neck. She hissed in pleasure when his teeth sink into her flesh. Both of them were a moaning mess as Harry blew hot breath onto the spot he just attacked.

        "Fuck Harry. " She cursed when his hips pinned her down and rolled against them. His hands were on Y/N's chest massaging them, her hands were tangled in his hair pulling him up to kiss again. In the most heated make out session she ever had the door opened and saw Y/B/F stop half way out the door. She saw Y/B/F smirking at them two. As Y/N continued to brush her lips with Harry's roughly making them swollen, Y/B/F did hand gestures of a circle and a finger going through it , before she closed the door leaving her alone with him again.

                 *    *   *

After their heaten moment Harry took Y/N to his room and they had a night of passion if that's how they say. No headboards or beda were broken. To their surprise they were quiet through out the rime but each one of them had a mark.

So now Harry is awake with Y/N's head on his chest. His hand went to her back and drew circles and kissed her forehead. He takes her off carefull and dresses into his outfit again and walks out and walks into the direction where Chad's room is.

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