Umbrella part 2

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       It's been months after me and Evan met at the bus stop, after we went to the park we had hit it off, after that we kept hanging out. I found out his mom was a single parent and he was an only child. After 2 months he asked me to be his girlfriend, I agreed. He was very sweet and caring he called and texted me frequently asking about how my day went and we talked about everything and anything, from what we wanted to do after high school to what would it be like to be a cartoon character. We would often meet each other on the very same bus stop we first met in.

         I thought we would be happy together until our last breaths, but I was wrong.... after dating for 3 month he suddenly stopped calling. At first I thought he was just probably busy but after a week he still didn't reach out. I tried contacting him multiple times but I just couldn't reach him, it always went straight to voicemail. 

        At first I felt worried, then it just occurred to me I didn't know that much about Evan like where he lived, which school went to. I didn't even know when his birthday is. I thought  I knew him so well I knew what were his favorite songs as well as favorite food and movies I knew his personality but not his history. I didn't really think much of it since his history didn't define who he was, but boy was I dumb to not even now where he lived.

       After trying to contact him for weeks now I stopped I couldn't take it anymore I was physically and mentally drained from always crying myself to sleep, thinking about what I could have possibly done wrong to make him stop liking me. I didn't know how much he meant to me until I lost him I mean I knew I liked him I just didn't know up to what extent.

        It's been 3 months since I last tried to contact him I'm still healing from the pain but I've gotten accustomed to ache in my heart whenever I see couples or when little things remind me of him. I tried multiple ways to get distracted such as joining the cheerleading squad I didn't make it but I tried harder. I volunteered to read books to sick children at the hospital. Speaking of which I should be on my way. 


        As I enter the building the bleach stench hits me, at first it felt like it was burning my nose hair but I've gotten used to it. I arrived early so I still had 30 minutes until the kids finish lunch, I walk around aimlessly occasionally smiling at people who I knew from my frequent visits. 

       I eventually end up in the ICU wing seeing as I still had time I entered the wing, I see multiple rooms as I walk in the hall as I near the end I see a clear door, inside the room a cluster of beds facing each other.

'' Sad isn't it'' a calm voice said next to me.

       Startled I turn to see the owner of the voice, it was a female nurse who was a bit short but had beautiful red hair and brown eyes. I replied " What happened to them?"

"This people are all terminal cancer patients, I don't know why the hospital thought it was a good idea to have them all together in a large room, what dying person would want to get surrounded by people in the same predicament."

"If they're all dying how come they don't have any visitors? Shouldn't their family and friends be here for them?"

"These are the unfortunate people who don't have anybody in their life, that's why there's nobody in there besides the patients themselves."

       May heart ached at what she said I couldn't imagine not having my family it was beyond my comprehension.

" I'm about to do my round inside why don't you join me I'm sure they would love to see a new face around."

" I still have time so why not."

       As we enter the room people eyed me curiously I smiled at them to try to be friendly a few returned my smile while others remained staring at our every move.

      Just as the nurse was checking the pulse of a patient and looking at her watch to time it, a long beep suddenly sounded at the end of the room where the curtains were drawn. She quickly ran to the end to check the patient, As she pulled the curtain open I felt my heart stop beating as I stared at the person who lay motionless on the bed it was him. 


 After months of searching and waiting for any sign of him he was here all along.

 And he was dead... 

pls. don't forget to vote and comment tnx :)

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