Part 3 - What will the future hold?

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*Jay's POV* 

"Jay, I'm just going out" Loty spoke softly, shaking me slightly, waking me up.  

"Alright" I croaked before turning over and burying my face in the pillow.

I couldn't sleep so I looked at the time. 


It's half eleven at night, what was Loty even thinking about going for a walk at this time of night? I grabbed my phone from the side, dialled Loty's number, only for her phone to light up from the tv side across the room. I sat up, wrecking my brain for a place where she's go, hoping Jade was still up I ran downstairs hoping to not wake anyone else up who was asleep. The TV was still on so I hoped to find someone down here, I looked over at the side, there was a note. I scrabbled over to it, tripping over the blanket that had been left on the floor. I picked up the note, only from Tom saying he'd left the milk out? Right, I thought that was from like last week? No-one was up. I didn't even bother to turn the tv off. I walked back upstairs, barley picking my feet up from the carpet. I grabbed one of my tops and a pair of joggers knowing there was no way of getting to sleep knowing Loty's strolling the streets at this time of night.

*Loty's POV* 

Walking back and guess who I manage to walk into? Or pass by, should I say.



Remember her? 

Jay's ex. 

The bitch. 

Remember her now?


That's the one.

"Alright?" Katy muttered as I walked past her, 

"I'm good thanks, you and hows the kid?" I smiled sweetly back, knowing it'll piss her off.  

"We're good, no thanks to you"  

"You're welcome babe" pissing her off further.  

"Piss off!"  

"Bye" I mumbled walking away, if I carried on I would of ended up punching her. I carried on walking, reaching the bottom of the road. So many things had happened down this road over the past year from Nathan having the car crash to this years Christmas&boxing day then news years. I can't wait for this year, it's going to bring so much.

*Charley's POV* 

"I love you." I whispered, 

"I love you too." Max whispered back, I smiled up at him as he pressed his lips against my forehead.  

"How many people knew?" 

"The boys and my nan"  

"Aw, Max. It's beautiful" I giggled, admiring my hand again. 

You can probably tell by now, I said yes of course. I'm going to become Mrs. George. 

"I can't believe you're going to be my wife"  

"I can't believe my last names going to be George" I smiled, 

"At least you're mine foreveeeeeeeeeeeeer now" Max said, still whispering as he pulled me closer and hugged me tightly, poking my nose, making me giggle. I can't wait for this year. Now it's just breaking the news, that I'm engaged, to my parents...  

How fun.  

I soon forgot about the task of telling my parents and cuddled into Max's arms, my eyelids closing and my breathing slowing... And soon enough sleep had taken over my body.

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