Part 5 - Touchdown.

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*A week later and a day later*

*Tom's POV*  

So I'm sat with Max and Charley seeing as Charlotte decided not to come on this holiday. 

We're on the way to the five star hotel we booked in Zakynthos - otherwise known as Zante - just off the coast of Greece - we're out here for a week. 

I really had messed up with Charlotte. Currently? 

We're on a break. Just clearing our minds and letting everything out and if we still want to be together then that is what we shall do. 

What was I thinking?  

Of course I wanted Charlotte but I had to over-react and push her away... 

You know those people who will go out and get smashed, sleep with some girl, tell her I'll call her again but never do? Yeah, I was one of them.  

That was until I met Charlotte. My opinion changed, girls became important in life, as in a relationship not just some fling as usual.  

"Tom, mate. What's up?" Max asked, turning his head to face me as Charley had fallen asleep on his shoulder, 

"Nothing" I muttered.  

"Thomas" Max pushed,  

"I want Charlotte" I moaned, face palming myself for being so stupid. Why couldn't I see this before?  

"You two will sort it out" Nathan smiled, leaning over the back of the chair so he could see us, 

"Shut it. Only because everything's worked out between you and Jade" I snapped, the words coming from my mouth harsher than intended, 

"Okay then" he replied, almost in a whisper. Not once have I shouted at Nathan like that and I think it scared him. In-fact I don't think I've shouted at anyone like that... 

"That was uncalled for Tom" Jade spat, getting up and moving from her seat and walking past us, 

"Erugh" I groaned, sitting back in my sea, resting my head against the window and letting sleep consume me.

*Jade's POV* 


"Yeah Jay?"  

"What happened?" 

"Nathan was trying to cheer Tom up and then Tom had a go at him" I explained, 

"Right... This is going to be fun" Jay sighed, sarcastically.  


"Could all passengers could return to their seats and prepare for landing" rang through the speakers, 

"You better get back to Nath. He hates landings, he normally has Jayne with him" Jay told me, 

"I'm going! See you after touchdown" I smiled, hurrying back to my seat. Nathan had all colour drained from his face when I had returned- his eyes were shut tightly and his hands clenched.  

"Nath, I'm here, it's alright" I softened my tone, hoping to calm him down. "Nathan" I speak once again, sitting next to him, resting one of my hands on his. "Oh and babe, you're seatbelt" I giggled, yet he still doesn't move an inch. I reach over clipping the seatbelt in before placing one of my hands back on his and the other one rubbing his back.  

"Keep calming him down" Max whispered from behind me, 

"Will do" I replied, keeping all my attention on Nathan. "Nathan, it'll be over and done with soon" I smile, he moved slightly this time, his legs being released from under the seat where he had held them, swinging them forward as he scrunched up his nose.  

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