Chapter 9-Collaborating-

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Hae Jin's POV

I was woken up by the rays of the sun... I sat up and took a look...Oh,right... I was in Mr. Park's house... I stood up and did my morning routine. As I was done, I slowly walk downstairs. I then smell something very delicious, it was from the kitchen. Slowly, I walked to the kitchen to see my fath— Mr. Park making breakfast. He then noticed me and smiled widely...

"Good morning, Hae Jin. Here have some bacon and eggs!"

"I'm on a diet..."

"Can't it be your cheat day today? Besides it just bacon and eggs, what could go wrong?"

"I don't have a cheat day."

"Why not?"

"First and foremost, I don't want cheat days. Second of all,I don't like cheat days. And third, if I'd want to have a cheat day, not today."

"Then when is your cheat day?"

"I said "if I'd want." There's a big difference Mr. Park."

"Okay,My turn. First of all, don't call me Mr. Park, call me dad. Second, darling it's just today? I'm trying my best to make things up to you...please? For me?"

"For the last time, Mr. Park. No"

"Then for you mother. Your mom would be very disappointed, if you won't-"

"Fine..."I said sitting down and munching onto the food....

"Looks like you've clean the place..."I said noticing the house clean.

"Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint my daughter. I had to clean it. It took me two hours!" He said as he sat down and ate his food.

"You do know, that even if you did disappoint me by a messy house, I still wouldn't forgive you..."

"Well... it's worth to try right?  We're not promise a tomorrow..." he said making me look at him.. "do the things you should do... because you don't know, maybe sooner or later, you'll be gone... like your mother... she was close to death... if she hadn't survive she'd die with hate for her brother."

"Well, she did die with hate..."

"I don't know but... deep inside me, I know she didn't hate me... she would never hate me... the only person that hates me is you..." he said sadly...

"Please give me a chance... give me two months... and if you're not satisfied of what I did... I'll leave you alone..."He said while he held my hand begging for a second chance...

"...fine...two months...after that...I'm leaving... and I don't want to hear any news from you... even if you died..." I said standing up and going to the cupboards.

"Hey Mr. Park, do you have any coffee in here?" I asked, he then chuckled

"Yeah. Here." He said as he shows me where the coffee is.


"Your mom doesn't like coffee."

"I know, Mr. Park. I know."

"I mean literally. She couldn't even take a sip. If she would, she'd go historical." He said while he laughs. He took a sip on his coffee and I looked at him...

"She goes historical over that?"I asked

"Yeah.. you don't know?" He then laughs. "Your mom once told me that she wanted to smack you one time."he continues


"Because you go historical on a single stain."he said as he laughs a little...

"No I don't!" I denied

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