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The long grass sways back and forth. The wind blowing my hair to one side. A smile tugs at my lips, as my feet run along the grass feeling free. I could stay here forever.

Out in the distance, i see a tall man. Curious, I walk over. My hands suddenly start shaking. Who is this guy? What is he doing here?

I get closer, the man getting taller every step before i stop dead in my tracks. I inhale sharply, he has no face. He holds out his hand, my chest heaving up and down. I back away slowly and my feet suddenly trip over something. The man comes closer and i scream but nothing is coming out.

"No!" I shout breathing heavily. I look around the room gulping in fear. I can't let this get to me. It's not real.. I check my phone for the time, it reads 7:00 A.M.

I swing the blankets off of me walking inside the bathroom. Turning on the faucet, i splash water on my face. I look in the mirror staring at my reflection.

"Get it together." I mumble to myself.

The bathroom door swings open making me scream.

"Woah, sorry." Seth apologises.

"You scared me!" I huff hitting him in the chest.

"I'm sorry sis."

"Whatever." I mutter.

He clears his throat staring at me "Urr, i have to use the bathroom."

I roll my eyes leaving him to do his buisness. Bacon fills my senses when i walk to the dining area. I'm still kind of mad at them, what they did yesterday was not cool.

"Morning." Jason smiles filling five plates.

I ignore him walking to the fridge grabbing a water bottle.

"Scar," He whines because i didn't acknowledge his presence "I'm sorry," i look at him rolling my eyes, he frowns "I made you breakfast."

"Thanks." I mumble taking the plate to the table. Arms wrap around me from behind, making me almost drop my food.

"I'm so so sorry about yesterday Scarlett, i'm a horrible best friend. I love you, please forgive me, please please please please--"

"Shuttup." I giggle and she unwraps her arms from around me

"Do you forgive me?" She asks

"Eh." I shrug taking a bite out of my eggs.

"Morning everyone!" Ethan yawns reaching for his plate, but he doesn't grab it. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion reaching further, he blinks taking a seat beside me.

"You okay?" I ask seeing the confusion written on his face.

He looks at me nodding "yeah." He sighs, then starts eating slowly. Weird.

"Does this place have a playstation or something?" Seth asks sitting down aslo, he chews his bacon loudly, my hand swats his shoulder. "What?" He gasps

"Close your mouth while you eat." I scold him.

"Close your mouth while you eat." He mocks in a girly voice.

"I do not sound like that" I huff.

"I do not sound like that." He mocks again.

"Seth!" I laugh hitting him again.

He smirks eating his bacon, with his mouth closed this time.

We finish our food, putting them in the dishwasher. I jog back to the room slipping on my converse and putting on a sweater. I look out the window seeing the tall grass from my dream. Only way to prove it isn't real is to go out there and see if my dream meant anything.

I go back downstairs to see a happy Seth and Jason. "We found a playstation." Jason grins as they hook it up.

This trip is supposed to be fun, why are they playing the ps3 when they could do that at home? I mentally roll my eyes walking out back. The wind is blowing, the grass swaying back and forth. Biting my lip at this deja vu, i walk through the grass stuffing my hands in my sweater pocket.

My eyes narrow at something on the tree in the distance. It looks familiar, not dream familiar. But, like i've suddenly seen this place before. I make it at the tree, my stomach turns when i see a paper that says 'Leave me alone'.

Leave who alone? Why is this paper here? Who put it here? Do other people live around here? Is it Slender Man? Questions swarm in my mind as i try to think of the possibilities.

"Boo" I jump almost shitting bricks.

"Ethan." I glare.

"Sorry," he chuckles "what are you doing out here?" He questions.

"Exploring." I quickly lie.

"Are you sure?" He asks grabbing the paper from the tree. He sighs "I have a bad feeling Scar."


Next Chapter is when the real drama starts(;

Ready? Or nah?

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