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"Scarlett." A hand shakes me awake.

"Hmm.." I hum wiping my eyes.

"We're here."

I look out the window, the sun is peeking through the tall trees. It's nice out here. Up ahead is a brown cabin, it's lovely.

"Wow." I say in awe.

"I know right." Sam smiles.

Ethan parks the car and everyone is up and out of it.

"This is so exciting, no one get on my nerves. Please and thank you." Sam says and everyone laughs. I shake my head smiling. I grab my bags, but a pear of hands take them away from me.

"I'm not handicap." I murmur seeing Ethan.

He chuckles "Just go pick out your room."

"In that case, have fun." I giggle running inside the house, it's even nicer inside. The living room is big with a plasma t.v, The couches are old looking, there's a back patio where you can see the woods. I walk to the kitchen and smile, the counters are black, the table is big, the cabinets match with everything. It's amazing.

I hurry up stairs looking for a room, i find a medium sized one with a king sized bed. The covers are white and green, the night stand takes place beside it.

"You should let me have this one."

I jump turning slightly to see Ethan smiling down at me.

"You gave me the chance to choose." I bump hips with him, earning a chuckle "Thanks." I say when he puts my things down.

"No problem. Have you seen the backyard?" He asks grinning.

"No." I raise an eyebrow.

His grin grows wider and without another word we both dash out the room.

I'm out of breath when we make it to the backyard. "Oh my," I try to catch my breath.

"How are you out of breath?" Ethan laughs.

"I'm not an athletic person." I defend.

"We should go running together."

Together. How cute. But running is not my thing. I could never do the mile, i always get 13 minutes.

"Maybe." I tell him admiring the view. There's a jacuzzi and an 8 foot pool, the green grass is tall because no one has been here in a while to mow it. "It's so nice here."

"Yeah, i'm glad we came here." He smiles looking over at me.

I stare into his mesmerising blue eyes, his perfect jaw line, his dark chocolate hair, he is the definition of perfect.

"Scar, can i ask you something?" He questions looking nervous, aw he's so cute.

"Of coarse."

"I wa--"

"Scarlett! Ethan! Come here!" We both hear Seth shout, i mentally roll my eyes.

"Tell me later?" I smile.

"Yeah," he shakes his head "sure."

We walk inside the house, Sam is holding a bottle of vodka "Ready to have some fun?" She smirks.

"Oh no."

"Yes! We're playing truth or dare."

Everyone sits in a circle, knee to knee. I hate truth or dare, it's the dumbest game ever. It's like you have to answer or do the dare that you have been given. If you don't then you're a sore loser. Everyone does there dares most of the time though.

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