Please wake up

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Fronz's pov~

I sat by my sisters bedside, unsure of if she even noticed my presence.

My dad and I found her in her room clutching a knife and knocked out cold. She's been out for a few months now. The doctors say she's almost guaranteed to wake up. Ben, her dad and I visited a lot. Bens joined a band and he's been talking non stop about them, he even brings them in sometimes

~Kyri's pov~

"Come one Kyri wake up" sighed fronz

"What? What the hell is wrong with you guys" I chuckled as I sat on the bunk

I shut my eyes and sighed. Everyone's being SO weird

My eyes felt heavy when I tried to open them again

When I managed to open them the light was bright. My arm hurt and the room smelt weird.

I tried to move my arm only to pull on something that hurt like a bitch

"What the fuck?" I grumbled, only now realising how dry my mouth was

"KYRI THANK GOD" fronz yelled

"What happened?" I groaned

"What do you last remember Kyri?" Fronz asked

"Uhh well you and ben wouldn't let me out the bus alone after I got knocked out, then you guys kept being super weird and now I'm here" I shrugged , annoyed.

"Kyri, what bus?" Fronz questioned

"The tour bus? What else?" I laughed, looking at fronz like he was crazy

"Kyri we didn't go to a tour bus, after dad talked about our mum you went to your room, we found you passed out with a knife" fronz frowned

"That was a year ago? I didn't pass out I ran away" I laughed

GOd fronz is weird

~fronz's pov~

After Kyri explained her little story about bands and a tour I told the doctor. He said it's not uncommon for people to think their coma dreams are real, and we should just go along with it until they realise but that could take like two days most.

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