Do not let your past to Dictate about your Future.

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Living in your past is dangerous for your future.

No one is excempted when we talk about life difficulties.
In this life we can experience failure, problems, hardship, brokenness and nothingness, no one is excempted with the storm of life.

For some people every failure is just a part of success, for some people every storm of life is just a season that can help us to become a better person.

For me it's true, every failure, every problems in life, hardship and being brokenhearted is just a lesson that we must have to learn something.

Yes you fail sometimes, or maybe you failed so many times, so what!?
Yes you failed but you are not a failure!
Don't be discourage, do not let your failure to dictate who you are in the future, even if you failed so many times, still you can get up and build the future you want, do not let your past experienced to dictate your future!

Even if you experienced so much pain from your past, even if how bad your past is, do not let those past experienced to dictate your future!

Even if how bad your past is, I want to tell you, still your future is waiting for you, do not dwell in the past, 'Your future is always better than your past'!

"Maybe your past is so bad, but your future is still untouch."

Do not stop dreaming, 'your dreams must always be bigger than the nightmare you experienced.'

Give more value to your future than to your past, a person with a vision of his/her future can't be hold back by his/her past.

2019 is here for you, do not wake up tomorrow with the same problem, with the same brokenheart, with the same nightmare, chose to live behind every bad experienced, every failure of the past, and be a better person today.

What's done is done, what's gone is gone, we cannot change the past, but still we have the power to change the future.
Don't be trap by your your past experienced and failure, get up there is more to life.

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