Without Love

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Picture of Wren ^^


I've never been that girl to fall in love. I don't believe that a person has someone who 'holds' the other half of your heart. I think that life is sometimes just out to get you. I do believe in karma though so I try my best to behave... but that never works out. Life is just a game to some people, I think of it as a movie sometimes. Most things seem cliché and play out like it was written on a script. I just say live like there's no tomorrow.

My name is Alexandra but ever since I was little I have gone by Wren. Don't ask me why, it's just what I have gone by so it just stuck. I am 17 years old and a senior at Wayside High School. As I said before I don't have a boyfriend, I surround myself in friends. Alex and Christie are my best friends. We go to all of the latest parties, games, dances together. We all follow our no boys rule. There are some who hit on us and try to get us but, I don't play games. I'm also the star soccer player at our school. I may not seem like the sporty type, but trust me I am. I'm not trying to sound rude, but I'm one of the most popular kids at our school. This means one thing, guys are a pain in my ass. I hate it but it gives me a social standing. You may think I'm a total bitch right now, but I'm not.

Well, enough about my boring facts. Today is the first Friday of the first week of school. I hate school, the teachers, the lunches, the people, but I mean I got to do what I got to do to get into a good college. I mean, take one look at me and the way I act and you will think that I don't get good grades. I do I have a 4.0, I just hide it so people don't look at me differently. Anyways, I got up at 6:00 am to get ready. I put on my yoga pants, black t-shirt, and tied a black and red plaid button up around my waist. I straightened my long brown hair from being wavy, put on my makeup and ran downstairs. I was already running late so I grabbed a muffin, threw on my white converse and got into my white jeep after giving my mom and little brother a kiss on the cheek. When I got to school I pulled into my parking spot and went to my locker. When I got there, you pretty much heard hoots and hollers, but I just ignored it. I met up with Christie and Alex.

"Hey girl how u been?" Alex asked me.

"Good, I mean besides school." I said while grabbing my AP Psychology text book from my locker. People always wonder why I'm in such a hard class, I just tell them my mom made me take it and I'm failing it.

"Same girl same, hey but at least there's a new boy" Christine said while Alex giggled.

"Guys, don't go falling for him, they just break your hearts." I said while closing my locker and turning around to full on face them.

"Don't be silly, we will be fine. But, boy have I heard he is one fine guy." Alex said while poking my side. I just rolled my eyes and gave her that 'stop I'm not in the mood' look. As soon as I did that, we heard people whispering and pointing in the opposite direction of what I facing. Christie and Alex had their jaws opened slightly. I turned around so I could see what all of the fuss was about. That's when I saw this kid who looked the same age as us and you could tell he was new because everyone knows each other in this school. He was tall and had golden brown hair that was in a perfect up do. He was tan, like me and wore a typical guys clothing. All the girls were staring him down, and when I say all the girls I mean every single one including me. I wasn't staring at him in the 'omg he is so hot, I want him' but in the 'he is just another jerk, great just what we need'. I snapped back into reality and smacked Alex and Christie on their arms.

"Stop staring guys, come on were going to be late for class." I said and started my way down the hall in the direction of the new boy to get to my class. As we walked closer I saw he had brownish eyes. The school hallways were small so it was hard to get passed when people stood by their lockers. "Excuse me." I softly said and he smiled at me and stood aside so my girls and I could pass.

"Thank you." We all said as we passed him. I got into my class room and sat in the middle. I don't like the back because I can't see, and I hate the front because the teacher, Mr. Hasters, always picks on you and he spits when he talks. There were only 7 of us in this class, which was a good thing so people wouldn't ask so much. The bell rang and people started coming in. We had started the lesson when someone walks through the door. In comes the new kid, great, note my sarcasm please. Mr. Hasters told him to take a seat in the front row. Sucks for him. Half way through the class Mr. Hasters brought up a project. Now, Psychology projects are very hard, not hard, really hard. They count for a huge part of your grade, but sometimes they could be fun so you could get into people's heads.

"So class, we will be doing a project that will count for 70% of your grade." Every one groaned as if it was planned. " I will be assigning your partners next week. Your project is to interview your partner and get to know them without them revealing the set of questions I give you. You will video tape it, so I can watch it for the grade. Also in the video after the questions you will play 2 truths and 1 lie so I can see how you are able to read people when they lie." After he said that the bell rang.

"Finally." I groaned under my breath. I stood up and grabbed my backpack to finish the rest of the day. After school was out I went to my locker to get my homework and catch up with Alex and Christie.

"HEY" Christie yelled coming up from behind me.

"AHHHHH" I screamed at the top of my lungs and dropped my books. Everyone was looking at me. One person caught my eye, the new kid whose name I never got, staring right at me. He was biting his lip, trying to resist the urge to laugh. I gave him a glare and turned around to shut my locker so me and the girls could go to Starbucks to do our homework and get coffee.

"Omg the new kid is so nice and cute." Christie ranted on about in the car.

"Christie stop, hes just another player and I don't suggest you getting involved with him. And how do you even know him?" I told her.

"He is in most of my classes and sits by me. We have talked a couple times. And I know your rule, but come on Wren, I think he's different. Give him a chance." She pleaded. I saw Alex in the back on her phone.

"What do you think Alex?" I asked her. She just looked up and nodded her head.

"See Wren, please." Christie begged.

"Fine, but if he breaks your heart don't expect me to not say the famous 'I told you so'." I said while rolling my eyes and focusing back on the road.

"Thank you" She said while hugging me from the side.


New story. I will actually keep up to date with ths. Thanks guys. Please vote😊😊 love y'all

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