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I couldn't stop shaking. My teeth were shattering so hard, I couldn't hear anything else. My fingers and toes were numb. How did he do this every night? I couldn't do it. I couldn't sleep here. Didn't he say I could sleep in there? He also said I couldn't handle the cold.
Five minutes later and he was proven right. One foot was completely numb. There is no way anyone could spend the night here and not get frostbite. The prospect of losing my toes made me swallow my pride and walk to the bedroom door. I opened it, to find him asleep, laying on his back, wings tucked in tight. He was on the left side of the bed, the right still empty. Silently, I got under the covers, as far away from him as possible in the small bed.
I could finally feel my fingers and toes. My teeth stopped shattering, which made me able to hear his light snoring. Before long I was asleep.

Something was off. The moment I woke up, I knew I wasn't alone. I grabbed the dagger beside the bed. Trying to assess where the threat was, I turned my head to see Nesta lying on the other side of the bed, curled in a ball. I slowly turned over to face her, careful not to jostle the bed.  I stretched a wing out, covering her. One more blanket against the harsh cold.

I woke up warm, the first time in awhile, and opened my eyes to discover a black wall protecting me. Thinking I was still dreaming, I touch the wall to see what it was. One second it was soft and silky, the next, my eyes were blinded by the sudden change in scenery, only to see Cassian's snarling face, when I recovered. He was on top of me. His legs pinned mine, one hand holding both of my own against my stomach, and a dagger to my throat with his other. His face was one of the scariest things I had ever seen. Not that I'd ever admit that. I could see the recognition in his eyes when he lowered the dagger. "Never touch my wings," he growled at me. I looked to the aforementioned wings. They were flared so that most of the room was blocked, they were huge. "Why?" He gave me that infuriating smile, "Never touch an Illyrian male's wings...without permission."
When he left the room, she swore to herself to try, to care, as he did. She swore to fix this mess of herself. If not for herself, then for him, for all he had done for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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