Chapter Seventeen : Flashbacks, Missing Children, and a Fire.

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      "Please get away from me," Michael screamed at his father. Daryl walked closer not saying a work. Michael had tears running down his face as he looked over at his mother who was knocked out on the floor. The room goes black as the sound of sirens echo in the distance and Michael puts on his best fake smile as he hurried to stand up and pulling his mom away so his father could deal with the police, because this wasn't the first time.


"Please flip to page one hundred and ninety two," The teacher says and Michael blinks rapidly to pull himself from the daze. The nightmare from that night was still fresh in his brain and he couldn't help but let it takeover whenever it had the chance. The class was going by normally until the fire alarm went off making everyone jump and hurry out the door. The chatter in the hallway was filled with, "is this real?" "I didn't think we had a drill today," and Michael anxiously bit his lip scanning the halls for a boyfriend when his eyes land on Calum. Calum was walking out of the building and Michael jogged over grabbing the dark haired boy's hand.

"Did you see the other two?" Calum asks pulling Michael to the side of the building where no body was and lighting a cigarette before pulling out his phone and sending Luke and Ashton a text telling them to meet up.

"No, Ashy is in art and Lukey's in math so that's the other side of the building," Michael says and Calum hums before they hear a booming voice yell,

"Get away from the building!" A firefighter yells as he shoos the students away and Calum pulls Michael with him to his car parked as far from the building in the parking lot as possible.

"Call Luke," Calum orders and Michael pulls out his phone doing as he's told and listening to the phone buzz until it hangs up, he pouts because he knows it hadn't rang enough and the next time he tried calling it went straight to voicemail.

"He didn't answer I'll call Ash," he says and Calum nods and pulls out slowly driving around the building looking for any signs of the boyfriends but he's met with nothing and Ashton's phone also goes straight to voicemail.

"Hey it'll be okay," Calum says when he notices Michael's anxiety and smiles kindly. "Let's go home, yeah? The school will call me asking if everyone is home safe and if they aren't home by them we'll tell them no," Calum says and reaches over grabbing his youngest boyfriend's hand, "everything will be okay," he promises and Michael stares out the window as the school building goes up in flames.

Six rolls around and Calum is trying to hold back his own nervousness as he calms down Michael and makes him eat left over spaghetti that Ashton had cooked a few days before. When Calum's phone rings he answers it quickly. "Hello?"

      "Yes is this Calum Hood?" A lady asks and Michael stares at Calum anxiously.

      "It is," Calum says and he hums.

       "Alright it says you are the primary contact for three of your boyfriends? Is Michael, Luke, and Ashton safe?" She asks and Calum bites his lip.

       "Michael is, we have no clue where Luke or Ashton is," he says and he lets out a noise of displease before humming again.

       "I'm so sorry for all of this going on, the fire was unexpected and is still under investigation. There was five bodies found in the school, three still need to be identified but there are more than thirty missing students that we are investing the disappearance of." She says and Calum freezes not able to say or do anything. "I'm so sorry sir, you can go to the police station at anytime to see if you can identify your boyfriends but if you can't they'll be registered as missing." She says and Calum licks his lips.

      "Thank you," Calum says and hangs up looking over at Michael and pulling him into a tight hug. "Mikey, I need you to stay here, I'll be back soon but I want you to shower and get ready for bed until then," Calum orders and runs his fingers through Michael's hair,

       "Are you going to be picking up Lukey and Ashy?" Michael yawns and Calum sighs and kisses the side of his head.

      "I'll explain when I get home, I love you kitten," Calum bites back tears that are threatening to come out.

      "I love you too, Daddy"

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