Chapter 1; Creation

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(Fall Of Beacon, 3rd person POV)

Crossover with; InFAMOUS, Assassins Creed, Batman, Avengers, James Bond, Mission Impossible, Jason Bourne, John Wick, Overwatch, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six Siege, Final Fantasy, Dishonored, Devil May Cry, Netflix's Daredevil and Punisher, Netflix's Gabriel Luna as Ghost Rider, WATCH_DOGS, Call Of Duty, Legendary's Godzilla, Jurassic Park/World, Lord Of The Rings, Shadow Of Mordor/War, The Hobbit, Gods Of Egypt, Clash Of The Titans, Detroit; Become Human, Zootopia (because why not when you can make them Faunus instead of furries), Murdered Soul Suspect, Bleach, Fast & Furious

Short chapter analysis

Alex; *Breathes*

Everyone in Salem's faction;

Everyone in Salem's faction;

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Beacon. A true one. A school, training heroes. It stood great... once upon a Time. It all happened so goddamn fast. A disembodied voice spoke through a screen, and when she finished, it all went to shit. Grimm. Hordes and legions of them—a lot of them never before recorded—flooded through the city of Vale, the falling empire, with one specific target. The Beacon. Hunters and Huntresses came out of every nook and cranny to defend, but were unable to stop the influx of the creatures of the night from getting to the school. Then the White Fang showed up, along with the Vale Yakuza, Talon, and a few others. Then, an unbeatable fist fighter with Dust crystals jammed into his arms, an insane scorpion Faunus, a rogue Hunter/Huntress-in-training team, and a pale lady came in, and they destroyed everything. Decimated it. Left it barren and desolate. Pyrrha Nikos stood on her knees in front of a lady in a red dress—Cinder—and a Grimm dragon. "Tell me, do you believe in fate?" Cinder asked. Pyrrha answered. "...I do." And Cinder went to fire her bow and arrow. This is when the glowing edge of sword cut it—the arrow—in half, and Alexander Pierce stood, sword out. Everyone stopped in that moment. The pale lady—Salem, looked up, halting the swing that would kill Ozpin. Qrow and Raven Branwen and Taiyang Xiao Long, along with a few hunter/huntress-in-training teams; RWBY, CVFY, SSSN, NGDO, FNKI, ABRN, BRNZ, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, and others stared up at the scene. Cinder split her bow in half, making two swords, before charging Alex. Alex parried her first swipe, then her second, sidestepped the third, and then jabbed at her in a stabbing motion. It hit, her Aura flared to life. She grunted and stumbled back, only to receive a bullet to the face, making her Aura flare back to life from where it faded. Alex stood, katana pointed at her, revolver unholstered. Cinder took a stance. "I'd hoped I didn't have to fight the one friend I'd made here." She said regretfully. "We don't have to fight, Cinder." Alex responded calmly. Cinder sighed. "Yes, we do." She charged him again, going for an 'X' swipe, which Alex sidestepped, jabbing his sword at her leg, forcing a grunt of pain from her and for her leg to give out. Alex went to slam the butt of his revolver against the back of her head, but Emerald came in, swinging her revolver-kusarigamas. Alex parried the swings as they came, eventually finding an opening, sidestepping a swing, and swinging his own sword down over her kursarigama's chain, slicing it in half. Emerald, having only one left, went for melee, swinging the scythe-like blade by hand. Alex parried, parried again, then sidestepped into Emerald's guard and shoulder slammed her, causing her to stumble back, which gave Alex the chance to fire off three shots from his revolver, each landing, as Emerald's Aura raised to defend her. Alex fired another shot, then zipped to Emerald, slashing her across the stomach area. Alex then gave a destructive kick to Emerald's back, causing her to fly a few feet then skid to a stop. Alex then saw that Pyrrha had run off—no doubt to the rest of her team—and smiled slightly, knowing she was safe. The guy from the White Fang with the bull horns came flying in next, his red katana primed for action. The fight was fast—almost too fast to see them dashing toward one another, each trying their best to kill the other—ferocious and stalemate between them, 50/50 chances. The two locked blades, then skidded away from one another when the time came. The two stood, Both stood swords pointed at the other. "Who're you?" Alex asked. "Why does it matter, human?" He responded. "I'd just like to know your name, bud." Alex said in response. "Adam... Adam Taurus." He—Adam—said. "Alex. Alex Pierce."  Adam smiled. "Well met." Alex smiled too. "Indeed." The two then zipped to the each other again, Adam going for a decapitating swing, which Alex dodged under and shoulder-bashed Adam in the chest, then reaching his sword upwards, getting Adam right on the chin. His Aura flared and he stumbled slightly, going for a swipe. Parry, parry, parry again. Alex was on the defensive as Adam mercilessly sliced and diced, each one parried by Alex's own sword. Alex eventually saw an opening however, and sidestepped a downward swipe, then swiped at Adam's neck in the blink of an eye, giving the bull Faunus no time to dodge or parry, "ARGH!" He shouted, it being slightly choked as his Aura once again flared, fully stumbling about ten steps back. The two sized each other up, before charging again, Adam going on the defensive this time. The sound of blades clashing filled the battle field, and everyone still hadn't resumed what they were doing in order to watch the spectacle. Adam went for a stinger movement, but Alex jumped and landed on Adam's blade, kicking him in the face. He flipped off of his scarlet sword and stood, once again in a standoff. "Weapon name?" Alex asked. "Wilt," he gave his katana a little flair, before turning his scabbard into a shotgun. "Blush. You?" Alex also gave his katana a flair. "Inferno's Beauty," he unholstered his revolver. "Winter's Peace." Adam nodded. "Good names." Alex nodded back. "Likewise." They charged again, both matching each other in a stalemate. Adam went for swipe, which Alex dodged, then went for a swipe of his own, which Adam dodged. Swipe, parry, swipe sidestep, swipe, dodge. Got more complicated than that, because the fight was quickly paced, ferocious and furious in nature, and the two were both very skilled fighters. There were a few revolver/shotgun shots fired though, which were either blocked with swords or dodged. That's what the fight consisted of, until Adam made the mistake of going for a full downward cleave, bending in half, which Alex took advantage of and pistol-whipped him in the back of the head, sending Adam out of play for now. The big man stepped up next. "You are?" Alex asked. "Hazel." He said. "Alex." The two charged, Hazel going for a haymaker, which Alex slid under and cleaved his sword across Hazel's chest. Hazel grunted, grabbing his side. "So Dust hurts you? That makes sense, you literally have Dust crystals jammed in your arms." Hazel growled and charged again, going for a good old 1-2-1 (left right left), all of which Alex dodged. Alex flipped onto a random White Fang member and stole his grenade, pulled the pin, jumped up into the air, and lobbed it at Hazel. Hazel grabbed it in his hand, looked at it for second, before his eyes widened and The grenade detonated in his hand, sending Hazel flying out of play for now. Scorpion charged next, going for a tail stab, which Alex slid under and sliced his tail. "So, What's your name, Hannibal Lecter?" He said, parrying a couple slashes from his stinger blades. "Tyrian Callows, at your service." He—Tyrian—greeted, giggling manically. Their fight was fast and stalemate too, but not as much as he was with Adam, the fight tipped ever so precariously on Alex's side. Tyrian went for an 'X' swiped, which Alex jumped above in a summersault, emptying his revolver into the top of Tyrian's head. Alex landed behind Tyrian and gave a sharp kick to the crotch, sending Tyrian out of play. Mercury tried to launch himself at Alex, only to receive a plume of fire from Alex's hand as a result. Neo skipped up to Alex next, taking her stick sword from its umbrella scabbard. She took a few vertical swipes at Alex, which he sidestepped, pistol whipping her across the face. Neo shot him a glare of death, and Alex winced. "Sorry, Neo." He apologised, to which she puffed her cheeks out, then charged Alex. She and Alex tied, much like Adam and Tyrian did. Granted, Alex was on the defensive right now, but he wouldn't be forever. Swipe, slash, sweep, cleave, all of which Alex parried. He found an opening and pushed the side of Neo's sword away from her and jabbed his sword into her elbow and wrist almost simultaneously, causing her to drop the sword, Alex then put his sword to her throat in an instant, then hit her with the butt of his revolver again, sending her out of play. Emerald gave a frontal charge again, and the clone received a plume of fire, while he locked blades with the real Emerald—who was behind him and planning to stab him in the back—without even looking. Alex turned around and kicked her away. He looked to Salem. "Hello." They greeted each other unanimously. Then, all previous enemies charged him at once; Cinder, Emerald, Adam, Hazel, Tyrian, Mercury, Neo, And Roman as well. The reason no one was helping Alex was because they'd all previously been beaten. The odds were in their corner, but Alex fought the good fight. Adam And Neo came in, swinging and slashing, so Alex defended against the two sword-wielders. Both Adam and Neo's blade came down on his, and he pushed them back to bisect an arrow from Cinder. He then jumped up and let Hazel punch Mercury in the face, sending him out. Alex landed on Hazel's head and stabbed him in the neck, Then swung down, using the sword as a flip-bar, emptying his revolver into Hazel's chest, sending him stumbling. Alex cut a pillar at the base and kicked it, then watched it fall onto Hazel, who was still regaining his balance. He deflected another arrow from Cinder at Emerald, who dodged, coming in with melee. Alex was put on the defensive, parrying and dodging until he used his semblance to breath a wave of fire onto her, sending her out of the equation for now. Roman fired off a shot, which Alex sidestepped and zipped to him. Alex then shoulder bashed Roman and cut his cane-shotgun in half. "Aww." He complained before a plume of fire sent him flying away. "YOU BURNT MY EYELASHES OFF!!!" He called to Alex. Tyrian, Neo And Adam came zipping at him next, and he ducked and weaved, blocked and parried their attacks as they came. He sidestepped Neo's stab and picked her up by the coat, throwing her to Tyrian, who was then distracted when she hit him head on to see Alex using his semblance until it was too late and a torrent of fire engulfed the both of them and sent them flying. That left Alex, Adam and Cinder. Alex dodged another arrow as Adam came in with a stinger, which Alex sidestepped and kicked Wilt away, going for a swipe across the chest which hit. He then jumped away from Adam and dodged an arrow. The world then went red and Adam charged, sword blade and mask highlights glowing. Alex sidestepped his Moonslice and brought a cleave of his own down on Adam's sword arm. It severed between the elbow and the shoulder. That's just Cinder left now. The spitfire in question separated her bow back into swords and charged again. Alex released a spiral of flame at her as she came, but she dodged and swiped right then left, on the offensive. Alex had no choice but defensive so that's what he did, blocking and parrying her slashes. He found an opening in the form of Cinder going for a left sweep, which he ducked under and swept her legs out from under her, then had his blade point at her throat. "Yield, Cinder." She sighed and nodded, and as Alex turned back to face Salem, the Grimm dragon swooped down, jaws open to devour him whole. Alex jumped to the side and stabbed the dragon in the eye. It roared in pain and flew up further. "Don't be a baby, you've got five other eyes!" He called as the dragon rose. He unholstered his revolver two shots into each of the dragon's two other eyes, causing it release an ear-splitting shriek of pain. Alex flipped himself to the other side of the Grimm Dragon's head and kicked it in the middle eye, its eye popping beneath his feet. He then fired two shots into either eye again, making it entirely blind. He then steered it into a jagged, pointed broken pillar, and it stabbed the mighty Dragon through the neck. It released a choked roar of pain before finally dying and turning to a massive cloud of smoke. Alex stood up and turned back to Salem. He pointed his sword at her. She did the same. "Salem." Alex greeted. "Alex." She greeted back, and they then zipped to one another. The two swords locked blades, and Blazing red surrounded by a sea of black met pure ingots of Gold and Silver that were slightly glowing surrounded by a pure white clouded sky. They jumped away from one another, then flashed to one another again. Salem—surprisingly—was put on the defensive, Alex's ferocious cleaves pushing her back. The sword duel was lightning fast paced and savage in nature, both fighting with all they had. Alex went for a decapitating swing, which Salem parried, her then going for a stab, which Alex dodged and turned back on her. Salem dodged her own sword, turning around and giving Alex the perfect opportunity to stab her through the chest, which he took. His sword ripped through her chest and she gasped. She then looked to Ozpin, who had an 'Oh no' face as she pulled herself off of Alex's blade. She stumbled for a second and released a coughing laugh. "D-Did you... honestly think... that you could kill me..?" Alex had a confused face, "Nothing can kill me... trust me... I've tried." Alex cursed under his breath. "Let me guess... The tale of the Pale Lady and The Tower?" Salem—still giggling—nodded her head. "Which makes Ozpin... Ozma." He said, looking to the person in question. He hung his head and nodded. Alex nodded. "Okay, so maybe I can't kill you. But I can cause you as much pain as possible." He said with resolve, putting his mask on. "Oh, for fu-" Salem didn't get the chance to finish her sentence as Alex zipped to her, swinging his sword. She parried and jumped back, having now attracted everyone's attention. Salem an Alex charged again, now fighting tooth and claw as well as blade against blade. But Alex and Salem were matched. No matter how hard one pushes, the other would push back just as hard. Salem jumped back and smiled. "Shall we go back to my place?" Everyone raised an eyebrow. Did she just... flirt with Alex? Either way, she then opened up a massive portal that engulfed everyone, and when they reappeared they were in a massive black castle. Alex looked around. "This is your place?" She nodded. "Well damn." He took a stance. "I'm gonna have fun destroying this place." And with that they charged. The fight went just about everywhere in the castle, being just as fast and furious. Alex eventually kicked Salem through a door, and she was out of play for a few seconds. It was then she noticed the silver eyed lady in a tattered white cloak and black and white clothing cowering in the corner of a cell. He looked to Salem, still out, then ran to the cell, shooting the door open. "W-Who're you?" She asked, her eyes screaming fear. "Relax, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm Alex, I'm a hunter-in-training at Beacon and I'm here to rescue you." He offered her his hand, and she hesitantly took it. "What's your name, lady?" He asked. "Summer Rose." She responded. "As in Ruby's mom? Don't worry, I go to school with her." He looked at the wall to see a red stick. "Is that yours, Summer?" She nodded meekly and i took the stick off the wall and gave it to her. "Okay, Summer, do you know where the throne room is?" She nodded. "Can you find your way on your own?" She nodded. "Good," He noticed Salem was starting to wake up, "your family's in there, run, don't stop until you get there, got it?" He said as he positioned himself in front of her. "But, what about-" Alex shook his head. "Don't worry about me, just go!" She hesitantly took off as Salem got back up and charged him. 

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