Missing each other .

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I kissed Keller and my dad by . Sarah kissed Luke , Leesee kissed Chris , Annie kissed charlie and mom kissed Theo. We were all gonna miss them . as soon as Tue men were gone Alisha came in and said ." OK so what's first ?" Then Annie said. " Ooooooh we should go to Halie's tonight their having a bonfire. " Mom said " OK first we go shopping then we get Manny , Petties then we come home get dressed and we go to the bonfire. " we all smiled and agreed . " Girls we are going to have to take three cars so Annie you and Sarah take the jeep it should have enough room to put your things in . Anna banana and I will take one of Keller's cars and Leesee you take whatever you want . " mom said with a firm tone . " So battle stations ladies . " mom screamed and we all went different ways. " I'll get the keys to the jeep" Sarah said " I'll get the keys to the mustang" Alisha said . " Mom I'm gonna go up stairs and get the keys to the Porsche out of our room ." I said them mom hugged me and said " And I'll go get dressed I'll meet you outside in ten honey ." I shook my head and took off . when I got to the room I walked over to the night stand to grab the keys . But saw a note under it so I picked them both up placing the keys in my pocket of sat down on the bed to read the note .

Dear : Annabelle Williams

Did you notice that I have officially changed your last name , even though we are not married yet. This is because I love you so Mich and I don't won't to leave you . Not for a second , minute , hour , day or in our case two days . This my beautiful bride to be will be the hardest two days of my life . And what makes it harder is that your father is here with me . Now before you go getting the wrong thought , I love your father like he is my own . But you guys are so much alike that it hurts my heart knowing that I left a piece of me at home . I love you with all my heart and soul . I promise to love you and honor you and let you run up my credit card bill (He he ) as long as you promise that you will love me always . You promise that you will never lose that smile you always have when you look at me . And you swear that you won't change one thing about you. I love you the way you are and everyone else does to . I actually think my mom loves you more the me . So its time for us to go but I love you and miss you so much already . I wish I was there with you telling this instead of you reading it . But I promise to tell when I get home and I also promise to bring your father home safely.

I promise to love you and devote the rest of my life to loving you . I love you baby . I'll text you all the time .

Love Always :

Your Husband to be

Keller .

It had his signature right there . I held the letter to my chest as tears fell down my face . How could I love a man so much that it hurt . how could I feel this way so soon . How could this man love me so much that it hurts . That's when mom walked in and saw me crying ." "Anna banana what's wrong baby ?" She asked me . I handed her the note and she read it . "Ahwww Anna this is so sweet but why are you crying ? He loves you honey trust me you are the ONLY girl that he has ever brought home so cheer up he will be home soon . And look he said that he was gonna text you so have you even looked at your phone to see if you have a message ?" I looked up at her. I hadnt checked my phone it was still on charge on his side of the bed . I ran over to get it and it said one new message from Keller . So I opened it to see what it said and then smile .it had a picture of him and my father on the boat setting out to sea. With a message that said.

" Hey baby I miss you and wish you were here your dads having fun but he's worried about you so please send him a message . Jest let him know you happy . I love you and miss you so much . can't wait to get back to you. Love always Kell.

I was so happy I quickly sent a message to my dad .

Dad: I'm fine going to the spa with everyone . I am fine have fun love you miss you be safe .


Anna Banana .

Keller: Hey baby I miss and love you to have fun . Don't worry I'm having fun . Thank you for the sweet letter. I can't wait until you get home . But have fun don't stress we are fine and having fun . Gotta go blow up your credit card . But I love you txt me later baby .


Your wife to be .

Anna .

I quickly sent it and then ran over to mom and hugged her . " Ready mom ?" I asked happy . She nodded and I smiled . "Okay let's go . " As we walked out of the I got a text message from Keller .

Anna: Baby I'm glad Your having fun . Be careful though and protect my heart . Keep it safe we will have fun . Tell mom we love her and did says to be careful . I love you so much its hurting my heart that we are apart . I love you and I'll txt you soon . I love you . be safe . take care .

Love Always :

Keller .

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