chapter 2

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The clearing was beautiful, the grass was a vibrant green perfect height with no weeds or flaws. There was a crystal clear stream trickling through the side of the circle area. The clearing area had a hedge all the way around. There were amazing roses all different colours were wrapped around the used trunks all over the place.

All of this was magnificent but i still had to remind myself of the intruder and the danger i was still in. Pulling my thoughts from the clearing i forced myself to listen to my surroundings. At first all i could hear was my ragged breathing and pounding heart but as i gathered my strength i heard the soft patter of birds soaring up above, the distant growling of cars, the odd hooting of owls but ever so slightly i heard a muffled fast breath. Turning in the direction of that sound i focused harder than i thought ever before.

As soon as i located the hunter that i suspected was a male from his broad build and fast but heavy past i started soundlessly creeping through the forest towards him. A couple metre's from his position i crouched behind a tree silently careful not to crush any of the Autumn leaves falling from the tree tops. Centering my weight i listened again, the hunter was located to my left behind a group of bushes, from his breathing and quiet fidgeting it was obvious he didn't know i was this close and was trying to locate me. From what i could hear his stance was sloppy, he was of guard thinking i had run away scared, man was he wrong. Trying to get the best advantage possible i started to climb the tree next to me.

Trying to get my useless black vans to grip to this tree was seriously like trying to run up a water slide with plastic shoes on. It was utterly ridiculous but mainly relying on my upper body strength i finally made it about 2 metres up. Looking down i could see my target perfectly, from my suspicions earlier he was definitely a man about a couple years older than me. His hood was down revealing his jet black hair and icy blue eyes glaring around wildly trying to get a glimpse at me. I made my way over so i was directly over him. Getting my balance i leaned over slightly getting ready to pounce as i had had years of training this came naturally to me. Peering down careful not to make a sound to alert him of my position i cleared my head and counted to 3 in my head. 1, 2 ,3 and jump.

My shoulder length blonde hair whipped behind me as i came closer to the ground. I had always like jumping and the feeling i was flying like i could do anything. If i could be any other animal at all i would be a black raven or a strong hawk, silent but deadly much like myself really.

At the last possible moment his icy blue eyes landed on me going wide with surprise. My jump was flawless and i landed right on to of him knocking him to the ground and breaking my fall. My feet were planted one on his chest and the         other on his neck preventing him to move. His arms were flying around wildly but after skillfully flipping him over and mushing his face into the ground i managed to tie his hands in a zip tie. I flipped him around oncemore and easily with one punch knocked him out. His muscles relaxed and face peaceful aside from the purple brusing forming on the left side of his jaw. It is amazing how inicent people look when sleeping. Everything is so much more simpler when you asleep

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