Chapter 1: A call in the middle of the silence

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Hi. This is a note I want to leave in my story :)

First, I decided to make this fic after reading Gaara Hiden and finding myself pretty annoyed since poor Gaara does NOT have a decent love story and is constantly friend-zoned. Furthermore, in Boruto he is like a single dad with a terrible haircut that makes him look like he is called Karen and wants to talk to the manager... My man, Gaara deserves a nice love story worth his great character!

Second, I highly recommend you to read the Gaara Hiden: A Sandstrom Mirage because it is really cool and interesting anyway.

Third, THANKS FOR READING AND PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS. I try to read and learn from all your constructive reviews.

Disclaimer: Naruto characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto

The incandescent sun of the ends of summer had just disappeared on the horizon, leaving a quiet and calm night behind it. It was so peaceful, Gaara thought when standing up from his chair, taking a break for a minute. He approached the window of his office and stared at the almost empty streets of Sunagakure. In his deep thoughts, he remembered with joy all the years he had been a Kazekage and how many improvements he could make for his nation during that time.

Suddenly, Gaara also recalled how many times he desired as a child to just find a way to run away from that town, to never go back. But, as he became an adult he grew fond of it, not just because of his responsibility as a leader, but because ultimately he developed a strong bond towards it, a feeling of being home and being needed.

With a little smile drawn to his face, Gaara sighed and turned around to go back to his duties. He approached a table and put some water in a glass from a big crystal jar. It was, just after the Kazekage drank a zip that a strong sound rumbled inside his head. Instinctively, he dropped the glass and put both hands on his forehead. An instant of blindness and confusion and then surrounded by complete darkness, Gaara heard a familiar voice.

"Gaara!" Shukaku screamed drowning in anxiety. "GAARA!"

"Shukaku! I'm here, old friend!" The Kazekage replied."What's happening?"

The beast didn't reply instantly. Little by little, as Gaara concentrated more, he realized the sound of Shukaku's steps, running, or ...

Shukaku is escaping!

"Shukaku!" Gaara insisted, raising his voice.

"I am being chased!" The beast replied in a hurry. "I need your help! Look for me! I know a place I can go right now but you must find me before someone else does. You are the only one who's able to help us!"

"Tell me where can I find you..."

"Look for me inside the Fire Feather. There is no time!"

"Wait, Shukaku!"

"We'll be waiting deep in the Demon Desert."

Shukaku's steps faded inside Gaarás head. He blinked and then he found himself again in his office. Kankuro and a high commander were standing up in the entrance of the room, staring at him with surprise and concern.

"Gaara, are you alright?" Kankuro asked. "We heard you screaming."

"It's Shukaku. He is in danger!" Gaara replied quickly as he tried to recall important details from his vision.

"The One-Tailed beast? I thought he was living free in the desert."

"Was the beast able to talk to you even if he's not sealed inside you, Lord Kazekage?"

"We have been in contact before," Gaara explained but his voice was in a hurry. "There is no time to lose. I have no doubt he is in great danger. Shukaku is a very proud beast and he would never ask for assistance if he did not feel it's really necessary".

"But Gaara..." Kankuro tried to stop him but his brother went out of the office walking with fast steps. "What are we going to do? We must send a group first to bring us information. This is so unexpected"

"No," Gaara stated and turned around one last time. "We cannot lose time sending a group of shinobi first. I will pack and leave before midnight. Kakuro, you will stay in charge of the Village. Tell Shinki I am in the Demon Desert when he comes back from his mission."

Kankuro nodded and then Gaara spoke to the commander.

"Captain, get your two best shinobi and tell them to be ready for the next hour. I'll see them at the gates of the city."

The Captain nodded and vanished in a second.

"Gaara, you should reconsider this mission. You are the Kazekage." Kankuro mentioned before Gaara continued his way.

"I am not forgetting my duties, brother. But I am afraid I am the only person who can help Shukaku."

"The One-Tailed Beast has been wandering for many years. What if it is a trap? What if someone is using him to get to you?"

"Shukaku would never do such a thing". Gaara's voice left a profound echo in the corridor.

There was a moment of total silence in which Kankuro realized his little brother's unbreakable determination vivid as a flame just reignited by the wind. It reminded him of the old days when the three siblings went to the wild desert to fulfill dangerous missions. Gaara's eyes were cold as icebergs, yet if someone had enough patience it was possible to find the amazement of wisdom and courage in there as well.

"There is one thing Shukaku mentioned I still can't comprehend," Gaara mumbled thoughtfully.

"What is it?"

"He said he was in the Demon Desert. That he would be waiting inside the Fire Feather."

"Fire Feather?" Kankuro repeated while trying to remember a place with that name.

"I don't remember a place called like that in the Land of Wind, do you?... "

"Perhaps it is not a place, brother, but a person's name".

Gaara nodded. "He could be hiding with someone. I will keep it in mind. Thank you for your help, big brother".

"Take care, Gaara".

After placing his hand for a little while in his older brother's arm as a farewell, the Kazekage turned around and went to his chamber to pick the few necessary tools he might need for his mission. After finishing packing he wrote a brief letter for the Hokage telling him the recent news and asking him by the end to investigate if the rest of the Beast were all safe. Gaara delivered this note to the Captain and instructed him to send it to Konoha as soon as possible as an urgent matter.

When the moon was shining with a silver shimmer at the top of the night sky, Gaara and his two guards departed.

A storm of sand and blaze (Gaara fanfiction and The Love Story He Deserves)Where stories live. Discover now