Katsuki Bakugo [ Boyfriend Scenario ]

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[ Boyfriend Scenario ]
Bakugo x Reader

Credits to the artist! Gotta make this as wallpaper

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Credits to the artist! Gotta make this as wallpaper.. 😂🤣😂🤣😂


This is practically just sitting on my drafts.. this is a summary of what it should and before taking it down.. I might as well save this and make it a one-shot instead.. hehe! I don't want to leave it sitting since I've made it when season 3 was aired. I hope you like this enjoy reading!! :D


Ever since childhood, you grew up knowing Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya. You've watch the two grow and just like everyone, you admire Bakugo so much that you followed him whenever he goes that he doesn't mind since he wants you to be there not realizing every time you're with him.. you're falling deeper.

Bakugo's quite vulgar, a bully and has the attitude to always win but you didn't see it as something negative since you see him work so hard for everything that he does. Working out, studying and everything he's good at.. he works hard for it to reach his goal.

You've grown not hating Izuku, not even calling him Deku and didn't bully him despite of Bakugo being mean to him like the rest and the whole class because to you.. Izuku's the sweetest one you've ever met.

You helped him whenever Bakugo hurts him and you heal him whenever Bakugo accidentally wounded him that Izuku grew liking you till middle school.. despite of telling him you don't want Bakugo to get in trouble.

It is a love triangle that Izuku knows and even knows he wouldn't get a chance when Bakugo admits he doesn't like it when you're not with him during grade school however Izuku took all his courage to confess his love for you which is one-sided.

"I-i know this is being weird and I'm sure after this.. Kacchan's going to kill me!! But please listen!"

He said and you nod waited for the next words that would come out from Izuku's lips.

"I.. I really like you Y/N! More than just a friend!! You're really nice and pretty! And.. I just can't explain it!! I just love you!! Really!!"

He told you and bowed that surely surprised you.

"It's alright if you wouldn't accept my feelings.. from the very start.. I know you love Kacchan more than anyone in this world.. I just wanted to let this out so please! Stay friends with me!!"

He said and looked at you.

You touched his cheeks with a smile and healed his wounds which was caused by Bakugo.

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