Aquariam (Short)

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"It's so pretty." I stare in awe at the moving fish above us, the whole aquarium is lit up with a bright shade of blue. The aquarium closes in 22 minutes so we don't have much longer left, we are the only ones left here now so we have the whole place to ourselves. I tear my eyes off the two fish that are chasing one another, Hero's looking down at me and his face is blue too. The light reflecting on him. He squeezes my fingers that are intertwined with his.
He raises his hand and presses his lips to the back of my hand. I lean into him and wrap my arms around him, he drops my hand and pulls me into him. I wish that we could stay like this forever, out of the public and judgemental eye. We continue walking, we make our way through a large tunnel, there are hundreds of fishes above us. "Hey, look at that one. Looks a bit like you." He points up a pufferfish that's expanded out. "Very funny." I roll my eyes sarcastically as he grabs my hand again.

We stop moving when we reach the main part of the aquarium and also the end of it. He stands facing the thick glass window and pulls me in front of him. I lean back on him. He wraps one of his arms around my waist and rests his chin on the top of my head. "I love you, Josephine Langford." He turns me around and presses his lips to mine. I open my mouth slightly so that I can suck on his bottom lip for a second before pulling away. "And I love you too, Hero." I leaned into him for another kiss.
I wrap my arms around his neck and stretch up when he straightens up again, I stand on my tip toes and kiss him again quickly. "Calm down, we can't fuck in front of the fishes." He smirks. "And we only have 4 minutes left..." He checks his watch quickly. "Unless you wanna be that fast?" He jokes while raising a brow. "You normally cum that fast anyway." I smile at him and turn my back to him and walking away dramatically.

"Okay Josephine, no need to sway your hips like that." I can hear it in his voice that he just rolled his eyes at me but I can also hear his footsteps trail after me. "You need to hurry your slow ass up. We don't have much time to get there." I shout out to him. He picks up his pace and walks beside me.

"Race me?" I smile back up at him and before he can even realise what I said I start running. "You got a head start, that's cheating!" He shouts out a few feet behind me. "You've got long legs stop complaining." I fire back at him. He races ahead of me and I sigh out loud with disappointment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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