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Monday 11:30pm

unknown: i just talked to my hyung, and he said he didn't text me

Y/N: now you believe me, took you long

unknown: that was my bad, i found this number and assumed it was one of my hyungs

Y/N: where did you even find my number? it's kind of weird

unknown: i get a lot of numbers

Y/N: okay? are you not going to delete my number then?

unknown: no can do

Y/N: and why not?

unknown: one you might give my number to others and I don't need attention right now, second I don't want photographers and paparazzis chasing me

Y/N: what are you like famous or something?

unknown: well kinda, I would say am out there

Y/N: okay? I need to go

unknown: wait! your not going to compliment me on how famous I am?

Y/N: nope

spoiledfamousguy: why not? my beautiful face can cure any condition

Y/N: really?, then cure your way out of this chat

spoiledfamousguy: ouch, I felt that

Y/N: glad you felt something

spoiledfamousguy: one a serious note tho, my face is beautiful

Y/N: wow never met a person so full of themselves

spoiledfamousguy:  there's a first time for everything, but you can't deny

Y/N: i really can't judge

spoiledfamousguy: why can't you?

Y/N: never seen the ugly face of yours

spoiledfamousguy: take that back

Y/N: never

spoiledfamousguy: i need to sleep early i have practice tomorrow

spoilerfamousguy: hey! you left me on read

𝙢𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙮 • 𝙠𝙩𝙝 ✔︎ (𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜) Where stories live. Discover now