Getting rid of stuff and much drama (worth the read)

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Hola guys! 

Before introducing new things, I'd like to take some time to update you on topics I've mentioned in my previous chapter.

First, all my annoyances are gone! My crystal thing doesn't fall anymore, the moths are gone after hours of work (I cleaned the entire pantry, which is where I found their nest and it was DISGUSTING! There were so many eggs it looked like thicc grains of coconut sugar EW! I destroyed that fucker after having inspected every single item in my pantry and got rid of everything that had been taken over by the evil moths. It took like 5 hours but now the pantry is so clean and the moths are all gone except the occasional one that you can just smash and kill with your hands. We also installed traps and it killed a few of them) and the anime poster guy just gave up after a while. That's nice! 

- Losing Weight: I decided to not rush things and not do any crash diet in order to lose weight. I'll eat better (less junk) and exercise more (amongst other things) to lose the weight in a way that will keep it off for good, no yo-yo.  

- Seeing people: My "best bro" fucking left me on read and we didn't hang out. Oh well. Tomorrow I guess I'll see my best friend's cousin??? He's nice but a bit too desperate...He'll try to date any girl he sees or hears of. Also, he tries to sound deep when his reasoning is not the best and he insists on texting in English when clearly speaking French would suit him better. Much like the prom guy did. I'm not trying to be mean, it just annoys me when people suddenly change from French to English when we never speak English when we see each other. What are you trying to prove aside from what we already know: you speak broken English and I do not? I'm not sorry for thinking that even if it makes me sound like an asshole, it's just a pet peeve of mine. Anyway, her cousin is nice and we have great conversations most of the time but these things make me kind of iffy about meeting up with him, especially when my best friend isn't around. Plus he kept insisting that I come over at his place which is in the suburbs when I told him many times I couldn't. Ugh anyway. 

- Cleaning the house: It's going too slowly is all I have to say. 

- CrEaTiViTY: I painted a frame, drew, and planned my youtube channel so that's cool.

- My dad: We're going on a three-day trip together along with my step-mom, which is nice because I wouldn't have liked it to be alone with him for that long. Our relationship is quite peculiar and it's never been the best but I guess not living with him anymore improved it a lot. He bought the tickets for the Palaye x Manson x Zombie show too so yay. 

Anyway, here's for the news now. 

First, our car broke when my mom and I were going to the mall. It's an old car so we assumed it was finally dead but we still sent it to try and get fixed. When my mom picked it up, however, it did the same thing just 7 minutes later. Now that's what I call getting absolutely SCAMMED of 300$! So she sent it back and got it actually fixed (for who knows how long though) for free this time. Anyway, I think it's useless to keep that beat up pile of metal because it's bound to die without resuscitation in the near future and it might be dangerous for the people aboard. 

  When it died for the first time, a nice Scottish man helped us (and some creep checked me out from his car which was across the street ew lol) and both my mom and I were safe. I don't know if we'll be that lucky next time. 

Anyway, I also had a picnic with my mom, dad, step-dad and their friends. See, I was always included in their parties and I basically grew up with these people. So I ate way too much and talked about what it was like taking birth control (which I'll mention in a second), History stuff (I was in the History program in my last year of high-school and I always loved knowing more about it seeing as my dad is as passionate as I am in this field) - mostly war stuff and the Russian Revolution - with my dad and my mom's other ex-husband (they're still great friends and I consider him my uncle) and talked about books with them too. It was a nice evening! 

Ok now let's address the fucking devil that is birth control. I've only been on it for a week and I hate it. I'm breaking out, I'm tired but I can't sleep, I feel lethargic and my stomach hurts. I'm all over the place and the mood swings are so annoying. It's all the time, my mood switches in a matter of second. So no, it really isn't fun and I hope nothing worse will happen. Hopefully, my body will get used to it quickly or better yet, I won't have to take it for more than 3 months! 

Lastly, with it being summer and all, it reminded me of yet another hidden talent of mine. I'm really good at catching/killing insects or lizards (I never killed a lizard though). As weird as it sounds, I'm very fast I guess because whenever something is flying in my room or the house, I kill it in a matter of seconds. Sometimes I catch them and release them into the wild but more often than not they end up dead. Just now I killed two flies in under a minute before writing about this. Inspiration comes from everywhere I suppose! I know it's sad that my hidden talents consist of my elbows and now killing innocent insects but what do you want! I'll never fail to disappoint!  

Though here's a fun fly killing story: two weeks ago a very annoying fly had gotten into my room just minutes before it was time for bed. And trust me, it knew it was going to die, which is why it was always on my ceiling. So, after trying tirelessly to get it to come down to no avail, I grabbed a little roll of electrical tape that is conveniently located in permanence under my computer screen. Yes, what used to be my mom's computer is like 8 years old and yes, I dropped it one day and both the hinges broke so now I use tape, a little pill container and a dictionary to hold my computer screen. I'll buy a new one in a few weeks but that is beside the point. No shade towards that computer because it is the best I've ever used and letting it go is quite bitter-sweet.

So I grabbed the tape and looked at the fly without my glasses, feeling like Lucas from Stranger Things with his slingshot and waited for it to settle down. When it did, I closed my eyes and threw the tape onto the ceiling. Next thing you know, I see the little roll come right back down with the dead fly. Yeah, that's my proudest moment ever. 

- Tali but not really ;))

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