What the fuck was that?

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(Yellows POV)

We all got in to the limo, the •Amethyst• sat in the passenger set of the limo in the front. Hm it's seem that the •Amethyst• still know her place so that's good at least, I sat there still reading the book I had on the plane and at the other limo. And if you are wondering what book I am reading is The Book Thief, if you don't know what then go read it I'm not going to tell you that would just ruin the book for you.

My Mother-"I should call Sara Lee and tell he that where on set."

Yellow-"You do you mother."

My Mother took out her phone and dialed a number.

My Mother-"Hello Sara......we are heading up to the studio right now where do we enter..............you think or you know........yes you should check. I will still be on the line alright...........ok I'll be waiting..."

We wait for a couple of minutes before my mom get a answer.

White-".........good now where should we go....................................ok thank you Sara that will be all.................ok and bye darling no I'll see you when we get in alright..."

My Mother turn off her phone.

My Mother-"Go to gate D please and say the Sara Lee is waiting for us."

Amethyst-"Okay My Diamond."

We drive up to gate D and the Amethyst driver pulled up to the security.

Security-"Who you here for?"

Amethyst-"Sara Lee is here to see My Diamonds."

The security look at he's iPad and scrolled down once then look back at us.

Security-"Yeah come on in."

He press a button and the pole on front of is rise up.

Amethyst-"Thank you have a nice day."

Security-"Yeah you to."

We drove in to the parking lot, but you can also drive to other places because the road doesn't not stop there.

Amethyst-"Where to My Diamond?"

My Mother-"Will Sara said to go to building C."

Amethyst-"Yes My Diamond."

She drove us in front of  build C where we saw Sara Lee out side, the Amethyst park and both of them got out. One open the door wail the other one help my Mother, Blue and I put of the limo.

My Mother-"Will hello there Sara, nice to see you again."

Sara-"Nice to see you to..."

She look at the limo then back at my Mother.

Sara-"...didn't you think the limo is a bit much?"

My Mother-"Not at all, why have a lot of money if you can't have fun with."

My Mother chuckled at the end of the sentence, Sara just smiled and nodded.

"Do you take me as I am?" "I do. Do you?" "I do." (Bellow fanfic book 2)Where stories live. Discover now