The Attack

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Narrative: As the slime creature slowly showed itself, izuku had been reading a book she made on some of the hero's in town before she hears the disgusting sounds behind her, she turned slowly to see something that horrified her, she dropped her book.!? please d-don't...

Slime villain:HA HA HA! WHAT A NICE BODY YOU HAVE, YOU MIND IF I "BORROW" IT? *The creature said, and before izuku could run, it was already on top of her, suffocating the poor girl to death* NOW IF YOU COULD STAY STILL THIS WOULDN'T HURT SO MUCH FOR YOU...

Izuku: MMM!!!! *Struggling but losing her fragile strength* GHHH!.....*her groans of struggling started to slow down, her body became more limp..her eyes slowly faded*

Narrative: Until...

All Might: HAVE NO FEAR YOU ARE that i am here that is!

Before the slime had an inch of time to react, All Might was already in action, though he did his best to keep the hero at bay with some weak long reaching swings, all might pulled his fist back and unleashed a devastating attack, the texas smash, blowing apart the slime villain and freeing the young girl, she fell from the air, getting one look at the hero before she passed out for abit.

(Now like i said i'm following the original event's abit as best i can, but i don't want everything being the same, expect changes from the original from this point on.)

Izuku felt a hand...slapping her? as she slowly regained her senses and sight, she saw a tall and buff strong man infront of her, already assumed to be the one who saved her, she slowly got up and looked at the man who she recognized all over town.

Izuku: Are y-you A-All Might..?

All Might: Why yes i am little girl! i'm sorry if i couldn't reach you sooner or warn you, i was doing my shopping today when i smelled a familliar but disgusting scent! and i ran this way! but you're safe now *He laughed*

Now young woman, i must be on my way now, i have a city to look after!

He said as he almost started to fly away before he felt a fragile hand on his leg before lifting off.

Izuku: Um...All Might? can i ask you something before you go? i-it's really i-important..

Seeing the girl and her expression, All Might couldn't refuse as he slowly landed back on the ground and faced her.

All Might: What is it young hero?

She stood there, shaking but not wanting to miss this opportunity to ask him as she slowly started remembering her past and ushering out her words.

Izuku: Do you think a quirkless young woman like me has a chance to be a hero...?

All Might was shocked a slight bit at the question but thought to himself as he looked into the emerald eyes of this fragile young woman, he saw a little girl with dreams, crushed by the reality of the world, but also for every downside, a upside must show, as he read her, he knew she had a fire in her heart, a passion, something he never felt or saw in anyone else..."could she be the one"? he thought.

All Might: I don't have a answer for your question but i do have something, in this town you need to be the best to survive young lady..i have evaluated you and decided i see something special in you that i haven't seen in the hero's i've worked with for a long time, a fire, to do the right thing, a instinct, to do what you must, even if your body must do it for you before thinking, i will help you. for i see a perfect hero for our future...what is your name?

Izuku stood there, almost crying to those words before shaking her head and giving a slight bow to him before getting out of her shy state.

Izuku: Izuku...M-Midoriya..?

All might nodded before he motioned her to follow him, and she did, this is where our story begins...

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