Past and Present

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Deku's POV (Notebook)

A couple of months had passed since the party that Momo had held for everyone, studies were being taught still, training continued, days were pretty decent and nothing had been going on since the attack, it was pretty peaceful for the most part, the past few months had been nothing but cold, a weird change in weather that wouldn't go away but everyone didn't mind it and just kept their warmest clothes on.

I had just finished putting the picture of me and kacchan kissing and dancing in the notebook before i decided to start writing.

Pro hero's and such were still out there doing their thing, keeping most of us safe as we prepared to become the next generation of pro's i guess, honestly life has been pretty peaceful, and i've been enjoying the days when i don't have to strain myself to improve my body, i mean...i still train when i can, but it's usually small, sometimes me and kacchan have our own sparring matches to see how far we've come (Hand to hand of course, if he used his explosions i'm sure he'd still kill me)

I remember how bad it was as a child when i didn't have a quirk, all i was wishing for was to have one, i won't forget those days i was bullied for not having one, but nowadays, when i look at kacchan and how much he's effected me, i feel like even if i didn't have one he'd still love me and protect me, but that doesn't mean i don't want one.

Not at all.

I just feel like moving here would have been enough to make me happy if i met kacchan, but i still have that urge to do justice, and save people, OH!

That reminds me, i keep forgetting that me and kacchan had gotten a place of our own, an apartment, and one of the ones that were not crappy too! we had decided to do this because we got tired of being apart in our parents house's, and while my mom didn't agree, she saw how happy we were and she knew better than to come in between something like this.

We also got part-time jobs when school wasn't going on so we could get some money, i worked at a cafe, and kacchan worked a video game store, i mean i wasn't surprised,, as long as i knew him, he loved video games, i did too, but it was still funny to see him pick that as a side job.

As for everyone else?

Momo and Todoroki were happy with one another as well, ever since the party those two have been inseperable from each other, just like me and kacchan, thought Todoroki did keep at it with his training, so i don't know if that statement is accurate honestly.

Jiro and Kaminari were together, something i really didn't see happening, but they did always have a lot in common, i remember when i was spending time with the girls that she told me that she was trying her hardest to make kaminari into less of a pervert.

Mineta was a lost cause.

Uraraka and iida were doing fine even thought, she REALLY had to try her hardest to try to make Iida a more relaxed person than his "Always perfect student" thing he had going on.

Kirishima was doing a hero thing in a big city like he wanted, learning and protecting at the same time, i heard he even had tetsutetsu as a partner along for the ride! pretty cool.

I was just chilling at home at my desk, with kacchan, we had just finished our shifts and once we came in he started cooking, which i found out he's so skilled at! i'm surprised he isn't a top chef right now.

Honestly aside from everything that's been going on and the thought's that i write about in this notebook, i've also been writing a comic book as well! It's called "Young hero's" It's basically a more action packed my own envisioned world-and-story book with most of us in it, drawn differently and a different story of thing's, kinda' like a no power thing, but us being hero's in clever ways y'know? a group of vigilante's, creating their own tool's and using em'.

i'm still sitting here tapping a pencil on my head figuring out what to do next and write, and draw, but i know i'll always have an idea at some point.

Kacchan: Hey Deku, food's ready!

Me: Okay Kacchan! i'll be in there in a second!

Kacchan: Well hurry, before i devour your food myself.

Me: Kacchan!

Kacchan: Kidding.

I ran up to him after i had finished a few thing's and gave him a kiss on the cheek, i was about to go eat before he put a arm around my back and pulled me closer.

Kacchan: What you nerd, that all i get for cooking for you?

I rolled my eyes and pulled him in for a more passionate kiss on the lips as he finally let go of me, i giggled.

Me: Maybe if you keep cooking you'll get lucky.

I swear some of that bluntness of his has rubbed off on me because i just realized what i said before i quickly turned red and went to eat.

Kacchan: Heh, i'll keep that in mind for next time.


We ate what was cooked and it was lovely, i swear he's a god at cooking sometimes, because everything he's made so far has been so good! 

I blush.

"Maybe he will get lucky.."

I shaked my head, i was in the shower as i was washing myself off from the day at work, plus earlier today me and kacchan had done another sparring session that went pretty well, maybe on day i'll be on his level when it comes to these things, after i was finished i put my hair into a messy ponytail as kacchan was brushing his teeth, then it was time to head to bed.

We were laying next to each other, the tv was on but i was too tired from all the writing and stuff today to even bother keep my eyes open for anything entertaining or fun to watch with my spiky blonde.

before i closed my eyes i felt hands wrap around my waist and pull me really close, i knew it was him, i could feel his breath down my neck as he kissed my cheek, we snuggled close together.

"I love you" he said.

 And we both went to sleep soundly, every time he says that my heart rushes, it'll never be something i'm used to, i just feel like me and him have been through so makes me think y'know?

I have my perfect soulmate....

As much as i would like for something to happen for us to spring into action, (hero wise) i have enjoyed every single day without those things because being with someone like kacchan is enough action for me if you get my meaning, heh...i hope at least.

And hey, if i ever wanted to put on my suit, i could always ask kirishima to hit us up and see if he'd let us come over and kick some butt with him, which would be super cool and maybe i'll have to try one day, but for now, i'm just focusing on the simple things, cause they matter to me alot aswell.

Time to get some sleep. 

Author's note:

(it may be coming to an end soon, sorry if you dislike that, but i've slowly run out of ideas, honestly if i wrote the story better and wayyyy more differently from the beginning i would have had soooo many more parts, but that's like 9 or so parts i'd have to go through, but trust me, i may be writing another female deku and bakugo story right after this, so stay tuned.)

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